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Hayden's POV

As we filed in to the semi-big gym in my school, I spotted them sitting a few rows up in the bleachers. Oh god please don't embarrass me.. I took the seat I was assigned according to the order, and the graduation thing began. Of course some of my teachers gave short speeches, and a few students did, but I zoned that part out. I honestly don't know why we have to have a graduation for 8th grade. Like, we can wait until senior year right? I mean, sure it's a big part of our lives.. I guess. But all we really wanna do is get it over with, so why do we have to have some big ceremony for it? Maybe it's just me, but I think it's a waste of time.. I don't even think any of us, except maybe a few, care to have a graduation but, apparently it's 'official' or, something.. I just personally think it's stupid. I started paying attention again when they said they would start giving out the certificate things. A few minutes of calling names, cheering, and agonizing pain later, they instructed my row to stand. I'm the third one. They called Angela's name, then Frainer, whose first name is actually Carson but I didn't know that until they called him. Everyone calls him by his last name. Then they called me. When they said my name you could hear an eruption of loud noise from the 4 Mexican men who were sitting behind us. My face turned a little red and I smiled to myself as I heard them. I turned to walk back to the row I was assigned and had to laugh a little as I saw them, all looking at me, either waving, giving me a thumbs up, blowing kisses, or whatever. I think it's all silly but it's tradition or something. After the whole thing was done, I ran to them and gave all of them hugs. We didn't worry about people freaking out because of them, actually only a few people approached them and asked to sign something. I told them it was fine if they wanted to, because I understand wanting to meet one of your idols. You'll take any chance you can get. But now, everybody knows I know them. I'm okay with that I guess. I'm proud they're my family, I just don't want people to try to befriend me simply because of them. That would get really annoying really fast. They took me out of school after the graduation, and thank god they did because I felt like if I spent another minute there in the loud, hot, and very humid gym that I might have exploded. We made our way home and I collapsed on the couch. I've developed a headache from sitting in the gym with the loud cheering and maximum body heat. I honestly felt like I couldn't breathe, it was so bad. I took off my boots and jacket and got up, walking into the kitchen to get some medicine to help my head. I got two pills out of the bottle and grabbed a water bottle before walking back into the living room. I walked in and saw that Jaime and Mike sat where I was previously laying. "I was laying there." I whined and they shrugged. "Okay then," I said and sat on Jaime, then turned and stretched out on Mike. I popped the pills I still had in my hand in my mouth, and downed them with the water. I let out a sigh and closed my eyes, trying to get my head to calm down. "You okay kiddo?' I heard Tony ask me. "Yep, just have a headache from being in the gym and stuff." I said. "You need some Hime time?" I heard Jaime say. I smiled and opened my eyes just enough to look at him. "Yea, some Hime time would be appreciated." I said, sitting up and he pulled me into a hug. "So, how are we gunna party?" Mike asked randomly. We all looked at him weird. "Well, it's your fucking graduation, we should do something for you." He said and I laughed. "I'm good. Being with you guys is, all I really need." I said and they all replied with, 'awwh's. "Well let's go somewhere together." Vic suggested. "Go where?" I asked. He shrugged. "Anywhere?"

*A few hours later*

"Jaime, don't you dare I swear I will drain the blood from your body, and use it to paint the house." I said, backing away from him. He's wanting to throw me in the river. "Hime, hate to burst your bubble but you can't do it while she's wearing that." Vic said, and for once I was actually happy he wouldn't let me change before we left. "Ha." I said in victory. "Doesn't mean I can't do this," He said and suddenly picked me up on his shoulder. "Jaime, put me down." I said. "I think I'm good." I could hear him smiling. "Jaime, put. Me. Down." I demanded. "Hey guys, let's go to the skatepark on Florence." Tony said randomly. "Yea, let's go." Mike said, and they started walking to the car. Jaime wouldn't put me down until we reached it. "Thank you." I said, and attempted to straighten my dress. We all got in the car, and started the journey. It only took about 20 minutes this time. Usually from our house it takes about 30. We all piled out of the car, and they grabbed their boards. "You guys really brought me to a skatepark, knowing that I wouldn't be able to do anything? Fine, I see how it is." I said as they all got ready to go. "Actually, while you and Vic were arguing about you changing or not, I may or may not have grabbed your board for you when I got mine." Tony said, and got it out of the trunk. "Along with, a different pair of shoes." He pulled out my converse and I gave him a big hug. "And this is why you're my favourite." I smiled up at him and he laughed. I took the shoes from his hands and quickly put them on, then grabbed my board and started walking with them towards the multiple obstacles people were already skating on. See, this skatepark is a lot better than the one closer to us, because it doesn't just have ramps. It has ramps, rails, stairs, benches, ledges, it has way more things to do tricks on than the other one. Tony and I started doing different tricks together, and we would laugh at each other every time we made mistakes. We had stopped for a few seconds to talk, and look for Vic, Mike, and Jaime, to make sure they didn't ditch us. "Hey, I'll be back it looks like Jaime's trying to summon me." He and I both looked over at him, and sure enough Jaime was waving his arm above his head trying to get Tony's attention. I laughed and nodded, then he left me standing there. Then a girl and boy approached me. The girl seemed to be younger, with long blonde hair that had fading pink in it, a dark green beanie, and a band shirt. The boy seemed older, with sort of short, but still seeped over black hair, glasses, and a snapback. "Hey, I gotta say, you've got pretty badass skills but, why a dress?" The boy asked me, laughing a bit. "Oh trust me, this wasn't my decision. I don't usually wear dresses. And thanks, by the way." I smiled. "No prob, my name's Kayden, this is my little sister Lillian, but she prefers Lilly." He stuck his hand out. "Oh, nice to meet you Kayden," I shook his hand, then Lilly's. "And Lilly. I'm Hayden." I told them both, and Kayden laughed. "I like your shoes," Lilly told me. "Thanks, I like your shirt, I totally love that band." I said, referring to the 'Sleeping With Sirens' band shirt she was wearing. "They're probably the best band ever." She smiled. "So, how old are you two?" I asked them. "I'll be a Sophomore this year, and she'll be in 8th grade." Kayden answered. "Oh cool," I smiled to both of them. I talked with them for a while, until I got a text from Vic.

'Hey, meet us at the car, going home for food. -Viktur'

"Oh, sorry but I have to go." I said once I read it. "But you're so cool." Lilly told me. I laughed. "Well, I could give you my number if you'd like," I smiled. She got out her phone as she nodded and I gave it to her. "Thanks." She said. "No problem, it was nice meeting both of you, see you sometime later." I smiled at them. "See ya," Kayden smirked and I waved. I started walking to the car, and put my board back in the trunk. I then got in next to Vic and rested my head on his shoulder. "Long day at the office?" He joked. "Yes. Very long."

*skipping car ride because I can*

As soon as we got home, I ran up to my room and changed immediately. I got on black leggings and stole one of Vic's shirts. I walked back downstairs to Jaime and Tony sitting on the couch, and Mike sitting on the smaller one to the left of it. "Where's Vic?" I asked as I sat next to Mike. "He's making dinner." Jaime said. "Oh, okay cool." I nodded. "So, did you have fun today?" Mike asked. "Yea, other than Himes trying to put me in the river of course, and I made some friends at the skatepark." I told him. "Sounds fun, and I dunno. I thought Jaime trying to throw you in the river was kinda funny." He shrugged. I punched his arm. "Don't encourage him." I said and laughed. We sat around and talked about stuff until dinner was ready, then ate in the living room watching some wrestling show. I wasn't that into it, but I loved seeing how into it they got. They were shouting and on the edge of their seats, and I found it funny. Once it was over, I announced that I'm going to bed. "Well guys, I'm really tired so I'm gunna head up to bed." I said in general. "You're a pansy." Jaime said, making us laugh. "If being tired makes you a pansy, then I'm the biggest pansy here." I smiled. "Night guys, love you all." I turned to walk up the steps, and casually waved behind me as I hear them respond with 'goodnight's and 'love you too's. I got to my room and turned my lamp on, then turned the ceiling light off. I climbed into bed, then turned off the lamp light before getting comfy and situated. This is gunna be a really good summer.


Picture of Kayden ^>v< wherever. It's probably a stereotypical picture but that was the only one I could find to match the description, so it's that kid just with black hair and glasses..

Still working on actually making it good.

Bye and Stay Beautiful ^w^

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