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Hayden's POV

"What do you want?" I asked Jason as he stood in front of me, towering over me against my locker.

"Just wanna see how my favourite girl's doing." He smirked. I only glared at him and tensed up as he got closer to my face. "Is that so bad?" He said in a low voice.

"Hey Hayden." I heard someone say and I looked over to Chris standing to the side of us. I looked back at Jason who had also looked at Chris and back at me.

"We'll finish this another time.." He said and slowly walked away.

"What was that all about?" Chris asked me. I didn't answer as I pushed past him and made my way towards 5th period. I walked into my English class and sat down, got out my notebook, and looked up at the board. It said to free write until lunch, so I decided to let out my anger and frustration from what just happened, without using any names just in case someone reads it.

Once the bell for lunch rang we all got up and walked out, making our way towards the cafeteria. I held my head down again like always, but that seemed to not help much.

"Hey Hayden." Jason said as I was pushed against a locker for the second time today. "Sorry our little chat was cut short earlier." He said and I just watched as the rest of the kids walked past us, not bothering to ask what was going on. Although, it doesn't surprise me anymore. "Was that your boyfriend who was talking to you?" He asked me with a smile. I didn't answer. "I asked if he's your boyfriend." He said and slammed his hand against the locker just above my head, making me flinch.

"No." I quickly said, but it came out more of a squeak. "No.. He's not my boyfriend."

He laughed at me. "Good.. Cause you're mine." He said and I gave him a confused look, that turned to anger.

"No." I quietly said.


"I said no." I said a little louder. "I'm not 'yours'."

He laughed a little and stepped back from me. What I didn't expect was for him to hurt me. Within a split second he punched me and my head jerked to the right. He then grabed my shirt and puled me up to look at him. "You're gunna be mine for as long as I want youo to be mine." He said and slapped me, then pushed me to the ground. Needless to say, I spent lunch in the bathroom. As much as I wanted to cry, I didn't. Not once. By the end of lunch my eye was bruising and there was a cut on my lip. I stopped it from bleeding but it still burned bright red. All I could think about is what I'll say to Vic.

Once the bell rang that ended this lunch and started the next, I immediately rushed back to class and sat down in the back, putting my head down. I didn't want anyone to see this and I sure as hell didn't wanna talk about it. All we had to do was take a re-test type thing anyway. I finished quickly and kept my head down the rest of class. Going to art was the same. When I walked in I put my head down, and kept it that way. That was, until Chris walked in.

"Hey F- Hayden? What's wrong?" He asked and sat down next to me. When I didn't answer after him asking multiple times, I felt my phone vibrate.

From: Chrissy

1:10 p.m.

Hades, what's wrong?

I sighed, but answer nonetheless.

To: Chrissy

1:11 p.m.

It's nothing.. I uh, need your help with something though.

Tough It. (PTV fanfic)~Hiatus~Where stories live. Discover now