I dunno what to name this so here ya go

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Hayden's POV

This morning I texted Logan and told him he could ride with us, because his mom had to go into work early. I got up and went to my closet. I got out black and blue cut off shorts and black leggings, a purple Falling In Reverse shirt, my leather jacket, and combat boots. I changed in the bathroom and did my hair and makeup, then grabbed just my bag and walked downstairs, after going to Vic's room and stealing one of his many dark green beanies. He has like 4 of each colour. I can't say much though, because I also have tons of hats. Just not beanies. "Morning," I said as I walked into the kitchen. "Hey, I like your hat." Vic said sarcastically. "Thanks I got it at this cool place called, your closet." I laughed. He pushed my head and I pushed his back, which almost lead to a throw down in the kitchen but the doorbell rang. I answered it, considering I knew it was Logan. "Morning Hades." He said, patting my head. "Hey, don't do that." I said, jerking my head away and fixing my hat. He laughed and rolled his eyes as he walked past me into the kitchen. We both ate and were just waiting for Vic to find his keys. "Soo, we ready?" Vic asked when he finally found them. "I guess, are you picking me up this afternoon? Or am I stuck with the turtle again?" I joked. "Uh, no and no. Sorry Hades. Mike will get you guys though." He said, and I nodded as we walked out the door. We pulled up to the school and we got out. "Bye guys, I love you!" Vic called to us. "Love you too man," Logan called back, making me laugh and Vic roll his eyes, but he smiled. "I love you too." I laughed a little and we walked in.

*Skip school because nobody gives a chapstick*

Logan and I were sitting outside the front of school waiting for Mike, who was late. After about 10 minutes, I texted him.

'Mikey, where are you??): ~Hades'

I put my phone back in my pocket after a few minutes and talked to Logan more. "Okay so, what were we talking about?" I laughed. "This kick ass board I want, look.." He said and showed me a picture. It looked amazing, the art and designs on the back were awesome too. "Looks awesome," I smiled. I was about to say something else, but was cut off by my phone vibrating in my back pocket. "I think your butt just vibrated." Logan said. "Oh haha." I said and stuck my tongue out. He did it back and I unlocked my phone.

'I'm at the store, I didn't know I was supposed to get you, sorry :c -Mikey'

'Oh okay, it's fine just get here xp ~Hades'

I texted Vic.

'Did you forget to tell Mike to come get us? ~Hades'

'Shit, yea sorry ): I had to leave as soon as I dropped you guys off. -Viktur'

'It's okay, I texted him, he's coming. ~Hades'

After that, I put my phone away and we waited for Mike in comfortable silence. It took him a bit, but he got there and we went home. "Hey Hades, you wanna come hang out with Chris and I?" Logan asked as we got out the car. Chris is his older brother, he's 17. He's pretty cool, he has a band, and he'll be a Junior next year so we'll go to the same school for two years. I think that's cool but Logan's not so excited about it. "Nah I'm not feeling up for it really." I said and he gave me a weird look. "Okay," He hesitantly nodded and gave me a hug. "Text me.." He said so only I could hear it and I nodded then went inside. I immediately went to my room and collapsed onto the bed. I plugged my phone into the radio thing next to my bed and blasted Bring Me The Horizon. They usually help me feel better, and it kind of did. Of course, I'm not sad but, I'm not happy either. Today just wore me out I guess. I was 'attacked' again by Emma, but of course Logan drug me out of that one again too. Every time she says something to me it makes me want to start throwing punches at her. Most of the things she says to me doesn't bother me at all. I just brush it off like it's nothing. It's mainly when she says stuff about Logan that sets me off. She always calls us a couple, which also makes me mad. Not that I haven't thought about it myself though. I mean, yea I like Logan and honestly wouldn't mind dating him but, I don't think he feels the same way. It makes me mad when she calls us a couple because it's just a reminder that it won't happen I guess. I just want to lay here and not think about anything, but that won't happen because I got a text.

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