Just a little FYI

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Okay so this isn't an update, I know I suck. This just me giving a little insight as to what goes through my mind and what I think about while writing this story. PLEASE READ THIS. It'll help with any questions you may have regarding the story, or anything I may have messed up on, and this is me correcting those things. SO, here.

Okay so, you probably saw the same thing on my other story if you read it. I'm going to be pointing out a few things that may already be in the story, or some things I'm going to be putting in the story.

First thing, is the same as the other one. I love PTV to death. They're one of my all time favourites, however I do not stalk them. I'm not up to date on their relationship statuses, and what's the latest news on them because I live under a rock. So, if I have gotten anything wrong about them or events that have occurred, don't get mad at me. I might get things wrong in the future too, but still don't get mad at me, it's a fan-FICTION for a reason. NOT EVERYTHING I PUT IN THIS STORY IS ACCURATE TO REAL LIFE cx thanks for the understanding.

With that said, I'm also not fluent in Spanish. You probably know where I'm going with this. Yes, in the future I will be putting in some conversations in Spanish here and there. Yes, I'm gunna have to use Google because I haven't taken Spanish yet and even if I did I probably wouldn't be able to type out a conversation yet. I just think it would be really awesome and cool for them to talk to each other in Spanish like it's a normal thing to do because to me that's interesting. So, if I get anything wrong as far as that goes, don't get mad at me, get mad at Google for not translating correctly. And for people who are like me and don't know much Spanish, I'll put what I actually mean in parenthesis right after what I say. So, enjoy that.

I guess that's all I need to say for this story so far, and if I need to say anything about future points made in the story then I'll approach it the same way. Thanks for reading this if you did cx and thanks for reading my story/stories in general. I really love writing these, it makes me really happy. Not just writing fanfics, but also the other fiction stories I've written but haven't put up yet because they all suck.-. ANYWAY, hopefully I'll be updating both stories this weekend? if I'm able to I will. But yea. Bye Stay beautiful ^w^

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