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Hayden's POV

I've managed to avoid Jason all day today. He usually finds me in the mornings, but not today. He's really confusing me. He sometimes says sweet things to me, but then next thing I know he becomes scary again. Then, there's rare occasions when he actually sounds.. seductive. But in a scary way. It makes me uncomfortable and really scares me. It's almost lunch time, and I have yet to come into contact with him, and that's also what scares me. Because I always see him by now. I guess I should see this as a good thing, but I just can't. Oh well I guess. The bell rang for lunch and I started walking alone to the cafeteria. Needless to say, I haven't made any friends yet. I walked into the cafeteria and stood by a wall to look for people to maybe go sit with. I don't usually sit in here, I like to go to the library and if I can't, I just wait in the bathroom, but I wanna try to not hide. I should have though, because I just jinxed myself.

"Look who it is." I heard his ugly voice to my left and I rolled my eyes. "Sorry I couldn't see you this morning, I was.. Busy." He said and got close to me. "You're really pretty today.." He said and tried to put his hand on my cheek, but I jerked my head away. "I told you, you're mine. That means I can do anything I want." He said and brushed his body against mine, and did something that really pissed me off. He. Grabbed. My butt.

"Hey!" I yelled and jumped. He looked around and smiled, trying to play it off as if he were just flirting.

"Don't do that, Hayden.." He said in my ear and I just clenched my jaw. He was about to say something, but I heard someone else talk instead and I calmed down, knowing it would be okay.

"Hayden, are you okay?" Nat said from behind Jason. When we turned around, I saw both Nat and Moose, and at this moment I was very thankful for them being here. I just looked at them with wide eyes and a scared look. I probably looked pitiful, but that's how I felt. "Uh, we're sitting over here, why don't you come with us?" He asked and I looked at Jason, who didn't do anything, and I slowly nodded. He grabbed my arm just as I went past him though.

"We'll finish this up later." He whispered to me and roughly let my arm go, letting me walk to them. Nat put his arm around my shoulders as I rubbed my arm where Jason grabbed it, and lead me over to where they were sitting. He then turned me around to face him and grabbed me by the shoulders.

"Are you okay?" He asked, with clear concern on his face and I looked down, nodding. I just sat down and put my head down the rest of lunch. I didn't feel like socializing. Once lunch was over, I stood up and started walking out. I reached the hallway, and I saw someone beside me. Of course, it was Nat.

"What are you doing?" I asked him, and he smiled at me.

"Walking you to class." He said and continued walking. I sighed, but said nothing else. I don't want him to feel like he has to do this, but I'm not gunna be rude and tell him to go away. When we reached my classroom, he told me to text him if I needed anything, and gave me his number. I thanked him and walked in class, already wanting it to be over. About halfway through class, I got a text.

From: Chrissy

12:30 p.m.

'Are you okay? Nat told me what happened.'

I decided to ignore it.

From: Chrissy

12:33 p.m.

'Come on Hades, talk to me.'

I kept ignoring him.

From: Chrissy

12:37 p.m.

'Hayden, please..'

To: Chrissy

Tough It. (PTV fanfic)~Hiatus~Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin