Chapter 5: Uncertain

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Hey everyone! This is the song I chose for Alice's theme song. Lol don't get mad at me for it being so vague at the beginning hopefully you will all see what I have in store. Tell me who your favorite character is so far and how would you act if you got the news the three friends did. :) Anyways enjoy!!

 :) Anyways enjoy!!

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Alice's POV


Maybe it's just me. But I don't like change. I looked around my dark house and head up the stairs to my room.

I dropped my backpack on the floor and walked toward my punching bag.

"I hate myself" kicked the bag and socked it multiple times. I felt the bag's plastic burn my knuckles. I punched and punched until sweat ran down my cheek.

My parents work late all the time and to be honest I could care less iftheyknew where I was going. My brothers and sisters are at friend's houses while I'm usually studying at home. I'm not human and never human. I guess I'm scared because I never imagined that I could be a werewolf. I mean I joked around that I could be but yeah. I act rough and hate to be messed with, in short, I hate to be uncomfortable.

"I guess Daniel is right" I said softly. "We are a family".

I sat on my desk chair and spinned around looking all throughout my room. "I'm sure going to miss this place" I sighed. But then I smiled, "I guess I'm PMSING today, I shouldn't be so nervous. At least I need to be strong for my friend".

But I didn't like the fact my parents hid this really IMPORTANT FACT ABOUT ME!! How do they prevent themselves from transforming in front of us and how long do they plan to hid this from my siblings .

I am the oldest so shouldn't have I transformed into a wolf when I was younger. Well werewolf fics suggest that the oldest shifts at the age of twelve.

I took out a sticky note pad and started to write. "I'll have this written so the day we leave, it will be ready so my parents read it' I whispered to myself.

I started my words but couldn't finish without getting frustrated about all of this. I spun my chair to my bed. When it finally hit the bed and stopped I got on my bed.

I stared out the window to the moon and slowly drifted to sleep.

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