Chapter 18: Silver

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Last Chapter: With my hand to my mouth, I paced around my room.

"What was so strange about training today", I look at my wrist and then realize the bruise I left Curler on his hand.

I stood with my mouth opened in the middle of my room but then the door swung open.

"Austry, we need to talk", Steven said with a stern expression.

I stared at him as I saw his eyes that held worry or anxiety. 'What now?' ,I thought.

My room's door slowly creaked as it closed.

It was mid-afternoon as the beautiful autumn colors danced along the creamy walls. It screamed orange, red and yellow.

"We need to talk" were the words that brought my attention from fully enjoying the midst of the season.

My eyebrows furrowed. How I despised when people interrupt my alone time, I dread it.

My right hand ran along my left as my fingers glaze the surface of the sterling silver. My garnet necklace straddles my left wrist tightly reminding me, I am not alone and there's hope of making a new happy life.

"Take it off", Steven said. My curiosity spiked as the disturbia in his voice eluded me. His voice was heavy nothing like the autumn that smoothly allows the rivers to freeze and allows the harvest to processed.

His voice broke my silence and it was not friendly to my ears.

I stared at his face. My curiosity suddenly went blank, my mind just couldn't process his words.

A growl erupted from his throat before his hand lunged forward and snatched my silver charm.

Snap. The sterling silver rang through my ears as a fragrance entered my nose.

'What is that smell?', but as the question ran through my mind, I heard the thump of my charm hit the metal trash bin in my room.

"You should never wear silver in our pack! It is dangerous", he said as his eyes signalled pain.

'There's a scent in the room that wasn't present before he grabbed my necklace", I asked myself. My mind was wandering elsewhere as I shook my head and replied.

"Why would it be dangerous?", I thought to myself as I planned to hide my necklace in my room.

He frowned and inhaled as his hand massaged his forehead, "You're not as bright as you seem. Howlers are the only type of werewolf that can touch silver without being burned, yet it still removes any werewolf abilities. I thought you were smarter than that", he said .

"Well sorry for not meeting expectations", I said as I rolled my eyes. My eyes meet his. I made a mistake, I know it. But how I hate when people rub it in. The days I would read about werewolves should've reminded me that silver burns them.

"I'm not your enemy, Austry", he said as he stepped toward me.

"Who said I see you as my enemy?", I looked at him plainly. It's true but I'll never admit it. I isolate myself due to the fact I can't trust any one here besides my two friends. They hide everything and when I ask any questions they dismiss it.

His patience was running low as I could see the bags under his eyes. "Whatever then. Do you understand that you can't bring silver ".

"Okay I won't bring silver anymore", my eyes meets his own. 'How did he know I was wearing my necklace today?", I thought in confusion.

"Are you wondering why I know you were wearing silver?", he asked me. My eyes shot directly to his face.

I smirked. 'Mind link?''. I observed him as he anticipated my reply.

My smiled retracted as I slouched back. 'He's creeping me out'.

"Enlighten me", I said looking at him.

"Come on. Did you really want to impress me?", he asked as he stepped forward.

"The hell you talking about?", I asked as I stepped back.

Steven watches me and observes me more than any human has before. He's trying to discover a way into my emotions, through my friends and primarily through me. I'm not liking this one bit.

"The bruise Curler had. There is no possible way someone who has never had training can even block as he states you did", he leans towards my face.

"Are you suggesting I would put silver on him?", my anger started bubbling.

"Honestly, it's the only possibility I will accept", he smirked. Confusion marked my face, 'He can't be serious!, I thought.

"But then again, you're just like your parents and they were always full of surprises", he smiled slyly.

I stepped back as I stared at him in disbelief. 'He did not just... he did'. I felt a pain in my heart as he said that, mentioning my parents who I don't even remember.

He puffed out air through his nostrils, 'Is he laughing at me? I thought. 'Is this just some kind of joke! To him', I felt my anger circulating in my veins as I exhaled.

I made the most plain face, I ever made. 'I hate when people try to play with me', and Steven is one of the first to almost break through my defenses.

"Either way, don't wear silver. You  injured Curler with it", my anger subsided quickly to hear Curler's name. 'Oh god what if he hates me like Jasper because I hit him' , were all the thoughts running in my mind as my face remain unfazed.

"I honestly expected you to be complaining that you're in pain or that you," he laughed, "broke a nail. Yet Curler is the one who began to ask if you really actually properly trained. Well we will see tomorrow".

"Why is that?", my eyebrows furrowed together.

"Well he obviously mad that a pup who hasn't even shifted, injured him. You know it's bad news to break a man's pride. We'll see if you're lying tomorrow", he smirked.

I internally gulped.

"Oh also, tell your friends not to wear silver either we wouldn't want anyone outside the pack discover you're Howlers", he turned towards the door.

"What's wrong with being a Howler?", I asked immediately.

I slowly looked back, "Hmm nothing", he smirked before closing the door.

'Freaking man!', I grabbed my head as I screamed with my mouth closed.

'He's so impossible. He never answers a single question!', I stomped my feet.

After a few moments, I stepped outside my room for a breather but I  hear voices I've missed.

All my anger and frustration evaporated as their voices comfort me.

"Daniel, your weak defense caused us the freaking fight!", Alice yelled.

"Oh come on! I said I was sorry!", Daniel yelled back.

Sarcasm is sweet, isn't?

"Guys!", I yelled they immediately look to me and smiled. I inhaled and made a huge smile.

'Life is a pain without these two people who I can trust. But who else will be welcomed into my world?', that question honestly puzzles me.  

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