Chapter 36: Home

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Austry's POV

"Stupid Steven!", I yell as my legs pat the ground loudly. Behind me, is a very upset wolf who wants nothing more than to fry up my soul and devour it. My feet continually slip in the wet moss that covers the forest floor.

'This is all your fault. One hundred and ten percent your fault!', I frustratedly snap at Steven as he grunts and heaves on the other side of the link. I swear it can easily be mistaken for something rated- R.

Through a grunt he says, 'Not my problem that you got are not at my level of awesomeness. Even the goddess above admits you're stupid for getting yourself kidnapped', he chuckles.

'Screw you', all emotion of panic disappears my face as I sneak a peek behind me. All my fault bleh bleh. Stupid Steven, who the heck does he think he is, ugh. As much as I want to begin to argue how it's not my fault, I silence myself. Retaining my own pride because inside I honestly agree with Steven, I am usually very paranoid about everything and that day it didn't help me detect any trouble at all.

The loud rushing behind me signals that Victor is gaining footing on me. I can't keep seeming like a burden. Even though, I feel like burden. I feel that Daniel and Alice are the ones who are special while I am just there. They have skills to fight and easily get along with people while I get kidnapped. Wow, incredible me.

Then a large tree catches my eyes as I run up a steep hill. The tree seems steady, I examine. I can easily run for the branch and get away.

'Can werewolves climb trees?', I ask Steven quickly praying to stop running. My protesting legs feel heavy and limp with every step while the plant of my feet sting.

'If you mean, Victor no. No precision', he replies.

I stop suddenly and dodge Victor's predictable strikes toward my legs. Every step feels like a lego under the foot, not good. I duck my head as his claws swat my face and I build distance between us. His eyes narrow as I step close to the tree. His teeth grow longer as he growls furiously at me. Yup, I am tired to buddy.

Twirling a hair strand with my finger, I ask suggestively "Hey Victor?", I begin. He pauses in between a growl. With my best duck face, "Why don't we you know?", I say slyly.

His eyebrows furrow together as he begins to stalk me carefully. With my extra hand, I begin to move it behind me slyly. The air feel thick as his eyes grow darker and his legs charge quickly toward me.

I jump and pull myself up on the branch over my head even though my arms scream in pain. My foot stomps on the branch hard, braking it as I jump to a higher branch. My body dangles as my muscles lock themselves from extending any further. My eyes look below to see the thick branch on top of Victor's body. My breathing huffs out of my mouth in short intervals as I use the tree trunk to add extra leverage to push myself over the branch. I lay on the branch with a cat, looking down below. Victor's grey eyes intensely stare at me as he tries to shake off the huge branch but the branch refuses to move. That branch must want to die.

'Oh boy. He's mad. Probably wants me dead but not today sucker!', I grin evilly.

'Hey I need you now. Did you lose Victor yet?', Steven says in my ear.

'Does having him restrained count?', I ask calming down my breathing as I lay my head on the branch.

'Sure. So where are you then?', Steven says sounding a bit winded.

'In a tree, near where we first met Harrison'.

'Crap. Oh. Oh. Look towards the green field. Tell what you see', he replies quickly and anxiously. My eyes look up as the wind begins to pick up. My hair lits up as the air around me swirls the branch and leaves.

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