Chapter 8: The Burn

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I held the FBI business card

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I held the FBI business card. Crap, why the hell am I so scared?

Alice and Daniel were silent as they walked towards me. The living room phone rang after a few rings it went to the voice machine and beeped.

"Austry, Alice and Daniel" it was Steven, "We're leaving tonight so pack up" there was an awkward pause "their coming and it's becoming too risky by the way the senior home is going to be there in an hour". The machine beeped "end of message" beep.

My friends looked at me as I nodded my head, I felt tense. Daniel and Alice headed home to pack. Once they left, I went to my grandma's room. I sat on the bed "Should I trust Steven ,grandma" I asked. There was no response for a while but then she blinked twice.

"He's going to send you to a senior home" I said as I turned my head towards her. My grandma rolled her eyes, I swear I saw the ghost of a smile on her lips. I laughed as my smile slowly faded "Am I going to be ok?".

She blinked twice.

I don't know what to feel right now. My world is suddenly a lie. I grabbed my duffle bag as I filled it with clothing. I finished and I put my hand on my face.

I am overanalyzing this, dammit. I dropped the bag on the floor and walked to the couch.

There was suddenly a knock on the door.

I got up and opened the door.

Steven was emotionless; his eyes were dark almost black. His body looked tense as he breathed out. My eyes softened, something's wrong. He stared at my face and quickly moved me inside. Man this guy is bipolar!

He has these sudden changes of attitude kinda like me, I guess.

He paced in the living room impatiently "What did they ask you?" he said suddenly glaring at me.

"Nothing" I replied equally as blunt "Just gave me a card".

He nodded and turned to the clock then to the window. I just sat on the couch maybe I'm reading him wrong.

There was a knock on the door and Steven quickly opened the door as I stayed on the couch. Steven's face rapidly relaxed. I felt my eyes widened "..The devil" I thought.

"Come in, she's right in there" he pointed.

"I'm so grateful you were able to come in such short notice. My daughter and I decided to leave my mother in good caring hands" he said wooingly to the two young nurses.

"I see. Well we hope 12 Oak senior home will be able to provide that" the young nurse said kindly as she walked with a trolley bed.

Steven smiled at me but I stared blankly. I acted oblivious until the trolley rolled passed by with my grandma. I felt my heart pulse in my ears loudly "Protect..". The tears ran out and my breathing staggered abnormally. I ran forcefully to my grandma screaming "Grandma!". The nurses paused as they turned to see me.

Steven caught me, he shook his face painfully and signalled them to leave. I kicked violently as he picked me up "NO!" I screamed loudly as the tears ran down my cheeks. I struggled furiously until I saw the van leave the window view.

My body shook as my tears fell to the floor causing me to have impulses through my body because of my strange breathing.

Steven put me down but held tightly in case I tried to run. He was breathing on my head. But the burning in my chest just wouldn't go away.

Alice and Daniel walked in to see the show.

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