Chapter 59: "Mist"

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I woke up to the cloudy skies. My back was laid back on a tree, splinters pinching at my skin through my shirt. My hand brushed them off.

When all my thoughts cleared up, I remembered where I would wake up. I was no longer awake. Funny, that's realization no longer surprises me. After so many different experiences I have encountered in Dusk Hunt, this just seemed like another day in my new life. As much I hated this, there was no turning back now.

The death still haunting over my heart. My heart fumbled with the different emotions tirelessly. All I yearned for was to fall asleep on this tree. Perhaps, maybe even take a breather. I forced my body to get up. My feet landed forward while I turned to my left and right. The ground was coated with fog. A silence loomed over the trees and distant hills. It was the same forest area my grandma choose to camp, but it was strange.

"Grandma" I whispered before the hollow echoes reminded me about a hazy memory. A gust of wind carried dead leaves from the roots of the trees into the open raveen. It was empty and silent. Every step I took away from my sleeping place was filled with a loud crunch of leaves. I heavily let out a breath; the beating of my heart was becoming too distracting. Before I could do anything more, I felt the familiar rush through my chest spread a cold chill down my back. I turned to look behind me.
The thick forest and brush could easily hide someone from me, I shook my head. I needed to remember to stop being a fool to expose myself like this.

I moved back from the raveen into the depths of the forest. The frosty wind moved together with me. I had no idea where I was heading all I knew was that I had to move from where I stood. In the distance, I saw a bush shuffle silently. My heart dropped. My eyes trailed around before the snap of a branch reached my ears.

I stumbled to turn and caught sight of a pausing wolf. With a paw hesitantly stepping my way, the wolf's eyes met mine. It's eerie red eyes glared at me.

The abnormal color making me think of the flash on a camera and the eerie glow of my own eyes whenever I became unstable. The very connection of our eyes made the wolf react. Its two white ears flattened behind its head. With its snout pointed in my direction, it opened its mouth to snarl at me. The chill made every nerve in my body freeze.

It stepped forward. A growl echoing in the winds before a great wind tossed me from my stance, I stepped to gain my strength. My eyes watching the predator closely while it followed my steps away from it, its white fur dancing against the wind.
The fog and dew touch the wolf's legs as it begins to crouch. The words slip out of me as the fear plummeted in me.
"Stop that" I commanded it with anger. When its tongue licked at its teeth, I was preparing myself to catch it by its snout. The tension and fear were at my hands.
The wolf coughed at me before it opened its mouth. The sound was almost like an animalistic laugh.
"Pathetic" the voice made me lowered my defense before the wolf tossed itself on me. I slammed my head down, the ringing in my skull sending pain down my back. My hands immediately covered my face as the growl of its snout was in front of my hands. With its teeth on my fingers, it snapped at me. My hand gripped onto its nose before I used my elbow to smack its head.
The hit echoed into the forest when the wolf whimpered yet continued to growl more. It paced around me as I trailed my eyes with its movements. I moved my legs out of the way before it jumped at me again.

"I will be damned to be paired with such a person" the voice echoed before my hand pushed off the ground. I dodged the wolf and held my bleeding hand. I could only wipe it on my jeans before the wolf was charging again.
With a strange calmness overtaking my body, a chill sat at my back when I trailed my eyes to its mouth and hear the voice coming from it.
"Are you the one who comes from my king's bloodline?" I ignored her question when the rush of memories reminded me about the reason I was here in the first place. The shiver ran down my back as the conversation I had with my grandma came back to me.
"You're my wolf" I proclaimed.
The growl the wolf directed at me was furious.
The wolf stepped forward before its mouth opened in my direction. My body backing away from the white wolf with my eyes looking behind me to make sure I wouldn't trip.
"You say that like I don't know that" the voice chuckling past the growls coming from her mouth. The red eyes on the beast trailed behind. I waited for a sound, but instead of having her pounce again. My body launched at her. She startled. Her ears lifting when she turned. Sliding my legs on the wet ground, my body chased after her. She jumped and latched to my shirt. The crash to the ground ripped my shirt, but I grabbed her pelt just as fiercely.
"Why are you attacking me?" I breathed with a huff. My nails dug as she shook the fabric and ripped it more. I was watching her eyes, the plan to bite my shoulder was written right on her eyes.
My other hand grabbed her foot from the front. Her weight hardly allowing my body to hold to her. My back touched the ground. The water soaking my back when the blur of fur blinded me, her breath running as her mouth tried to bite. I tossed a punch up and hit the air. My body stumbled and I kicked my legs at hers.
I had enough of the fight, my body growing winded.
"Why are you attacking? " I warned the wolf before I grabbed at its throat and punched my other hand at its face. My movements were concentrating on her head and neck. My hand wrapped around its neck. The anger wolf growled under my arms as I breathed out. Its weight crushing me as I struggle to keep it still.
"Tell me why" I started through my breathes, "All I know is this is supposed to be happening right now. That I am suppose to be here fighting you, but why? What have I done to make you so angry at me enough to want to hurt me?"

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