Chapter 32: I'm back.

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Austry's POV

Austry POV

The cell's silver bars shine with the moon's faint light. The chains around my wrist jingles as I push against the wall. My arms ache as I attempt to pull against the restraints.

With every tug, bits of my message broadcasted to Daniel.

'Daniel! I'm alive! Dusk Hunt is in danger, it's Michael!'.

The few seconds of conversation with Michael forms my opinion about him.

'The bastard wants to lead. He hates the fact that we arrived because apparently we are competition'.

My shoulders pulse. I've grown weaker because I've been stuck with my arm above my head for too long, like a cramp even. The door above the stair gave me strength to continue struggling. It's useless though.

But, I'll still try with all my might, no way was I going to stay here forever.

A quiet sliding against the dirty floor grabs my attention.

'Oh goodie', my eyebrows furrow together. Malicious smoke tainted eyes stare at me from above the stairway.

"Well, human. I see you're stupider than they say", the deep voice boasted arrogantly. His voice manages to click something inside me as the gears in my mind push against each other. My arms jerk in pain and my back leans forward, "P-please. Let me go", my lips tremble. The top part of lips feels the cracked ridges of my mouth.

Parched, they yearn for water.

His eyes never leave my body as the bottom of his shoes tap the wooden stairs. The sound gets louder as she reaches the bottom.

This is a typical "machista". A head honcho. A man with a huge ego especially when it came to showing dominance. I've seen these specimens at school, they enjoy making women feel beneath them. Let em' have it.

He snickers at the sight of me. My poor. Broken. Self.

"I wish I could sweetie but we have yet to decide what to do with you", he boldly states while unlocking the cell. The click echoes loudly as do his steps in the metal cage.

My eyes well up as I slowly look at him, "Pl-please... I really need to use the restroom".

A metal bucket rolls to me, shortly stopping close to me.

'You got to be joking'.

My tear-filled eyes looked up at him. A chuckle escapes his mouth as he steps closer towards me. Well aware of every possible outcome that could unfold in the next seconds, I stare formly at Victor.

The tears roll down my cheeks as he steps closer and closer. The atmosphere thickens as I felt the gravity pushing me down. My arms feel sore, bruised and heavy. My eyes quickly look inches past Victor. The cell door is opened, the key dangling down from the lock.

Victor is a huge man, somewhat like the Vikings at Dusk Hunt but deep scar on his eyes, revolts me.

A shiver makes me shudders as he places his hand over my head and stares into my eyes. A heavy growl escapes his lips as he smirks.

His face remains inches away from my own. My body jumps as he slowly touches my hair.

"Never have I seen white hair on a human even less red eyes".

He leans closer into my face, closing the distance between us.

"Your scent is almost alluding, child", he chuckles before latching onto my chin. An unconformable chill runs through my body.

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