Chapter 30: Prision

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A cold drop of water falls on my nose before it runs down the bridge of my nose and slaps on the floor. My eyes are blurry as I open them. They open but a slight sensation makes me hesitate. They feel hot and heavy. Pain plagues them as I open my eyes similar to a black eye. My eyes felt puffy and swollen that everytime I blinked I feared my eyes would stay closed. I try to touch my eyes with my hands. A jingle follows my sudden movement. I paused slowly turning my head toward the sound. Then I realize my arms are cuffed behind my back.

My body lays back onto a wall. Cold. Metal. My heart begins to pump blood faster into my veins. My eyebrows furrow together as panic fills me.

My eyes look down. My legs are attached to a metal ball and chains covered the wall behind me.

'The hell. Where am I?', my heart pumps harder as my eyes adjust to the darkness of the room. I look around frantically.

'Silver', I thought to myself observing the metal restraints wrapped around my legs. No burnt flesh. No scarring. While most werewolves would worry to the sight of silver, I knew that it couldn't hurt me.

'Howlers don't react to silver the same way as other werewolves. Oh darn! That means I'm practically werewolf strength or...mindlink...darn..'.

My clothes are mucky with twigs and mud. My white tee and black jeans are all covered in a dried dust. My skin feels sticky and wet underneath the fabric. Metal bars surrounds me shining in the darkness. My eye color shines on the bars. Red. When my back touches the metal wall, shivers crawls up my spine.

There many more cells beyond the metal bars that imprisoned me. A small set of stairs led up to a wooden door. There's a path beside the cells but it is so narrow I doubt two people could even walk beside each other.

"I got to get back", my voice is scratchy and rough. My voice echoes through the room. But as my eyes look up from my legs and look around. My legs move slightly but sparks of numbness shoots up my legs. A scream in discomfort escapes my lips as the itching sensation creeps up my spine and waist. My teeth clench together as I shake off the painful itches that came from sitting too long.

"Stupid! Stupid! Agh!". When the pain ceases, I stand on my legs and began to run against the restraint. The cuffs grind against my wrist as I pull but the metal ball stays put. In my struggles the events flood into my head, 'How did I not see that coming?Why the hell am I here? Where is here?!'. The questions fill my head so much I could feel myself drowning in concerns.

My body pulls against the chains as I try to run toward the cell door. But my upper body is pinned to the wall so unless I plan to rip off my arms I wouldn't be leaving anytime soon.

'Darn! I am not weak! I will not be kept down just so someone can save me! Curler will so make me do push up if I don't get out of here! EHHH! AND I'M LATE TOOO! NO!'.

I pull harder as the chains click against each other.

The more I struggled, the way ripping my arms off was beginning to sound like a good idea.

'I can't even freaking mindlink! This freaking silver!!!'. My feet slide against the muddy floor as I attempt again and again to free myself.

"That's enough, human.", a deep voice commands. My attempts to escape pause as my head looks up.

My eyebrows furrow together as I look up to see absolutely nothing.

'Yeah. Right. I'm totally going to stop'.

I continue to struggle against the chains. A chuckle echoed through the empty cells, "Pull all you want, sweetheart. It will get you nowhere fast. If anything listen to me and stop looking constipated", the voice chants before laughing at his own joke.

HOWLERTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon