Chapter 4- Truth or lies part 2

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My eyes fluttered open to familiar surroundings. Sunlight crept through the window. The room is, my own. I could see someone standing by the window, to the left. Back turned away from me, but I noticed the blonde hair. It looked as though David had been there for a while. I had no idea how long I had been out, but If I had to guess, a good hour or so. These things usually always took a toll on me. Not to mention, all the stress I had been under. Things weren't always this complicated. With me, it was more of, an easy road. Getting older meant that my visions would be getting more serious.

I didn't want to make any sudden noise because watching David was more than enough fun. I had no strength to fight with him. If I wanted to keep myself unnoticed, I would have to block my thinking from him. The only way to do that, it create a barrier. Only, I was a bit too late on that.

"Vanneka, It isn't going to work, I can hear you, remember," David said turning to face me. I had no choice but to act like I didn't know what he was talking about.

"I don't know what you mean," I said trying to lift myself. He stepped closer.

"You know that won't work either, you're playing dumb, you need to rest," He said trying to put me back to bed. I shoved him off several times before he finally threw his hands up in defeat.

"Look, I'm not telling you what to do here, I'm simply, trying to make you understand, that you are too weak to try anything, and you need to rest up," He said with anger raging inside his face. I knew when he didn't move an inch, he was angry at me.

"David, please I'm fine, I just-"


"What are you-"

"Vanneka, you were poisoned, through a spell, Someone wants you dead, they can kill you, we just stopped it before it worsened," He admitted. Why on earth would anyone use a mind spell to poison me? I knew exactly who would do something so stupid.

"Josh," I said confusing David's eyes. I don't think it came out right.

"Josh would do something this stupid," I said, he nodded his head as if he understood. Of course, I could tell he wasn't happy, but nothing could be done at the moment.

"You're wrong, something can be done, Grams can work a barrier in your mind, but no one can get in," He paused, "Not even me."

I didn't like the sound of that. It was too risky. What if something happened, and he couldn't hear me, anything could happen, I could die, in a split second. He knew the results though. He knew there were many. Nothing I could have told him would have stopped him from keeping my mind blocked.

"We, need grams."

He hurried out the door, not realizing I could hear everything. I heard him speaking to Grams about me, and how she needed to block my mind with a spell. Karla and Vannessa were arguing about it because then they couldn't get inside my mind. Nick was wondering why Josh would even try to use a spell like that. Of course, Cadence was yelling at Alejandro about how she didn't want her mom in any danger, and that if my mind wasn't blocked I would be. I had a choice to make. And it wasn't going to be easy.

"If my mother is killed because someone is too stupid to think it won't happen again, I will go rogue and kill every last one of you," I heard her say loudly. Alejandro was telling her to stop, calm down, and be silent.

"No Alejandro, no, you need to leave me alone, and let me go to my mother," She said, her voice getting louder, I could hear footsteps down the hall. And the drama begins.

Something in the mystic fog(Book2)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz