Chapter 5-Home for the holidays

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That took me by surprise. How were we going to turn in any assignments if they canceled school? I thought something like this would happen. What were we going to do about helping with the dance? What was the reason for school being canceled? Questions ran through my mind like water from a waterfall. What were we going to do being out of school for a whole school year? A lot could happen. What about the school camping trip? Would it be canceled? I hoped so I didn't want to go into the forbidden forest. Although it wouldn't stop the principle.

"Wait, so we are stuck, here, with a bunch of vampires and werewolves running around, and food is scarce, what are we-"

I was cut off by Dad, "We won't need to worry about it, Clarine and I will take care of the food problem."

"What about the dance," I asked. Everyone was completely silent. That got their attention. Dad let out a breath of air.

"We will have it, at the school, in spring," He said spacing his words. Well, that was a relief really, but that didn't mean that the principle would allow it.

"I will talk to Head Mistress Warner, we will still have the Spring dance," Dad said, grinning at me with sorrow.

The whole reason for us working so hard was because of the dance. It would be disappointing to not have it. Always having to be on top of things would get old. Not to mention I didn't have to work too hard, just for school to be canceled and maybe even the dance too. It wasn't going to work for me. After the break up with Jackson and the beginning of a relationship with David, School was not my top priority.

I hadn't eaten anything all evening. I simply stayed to myself, Even away from David. Kaleb wasn't too sure about my behavior. He seemed, distant. Almost like he knew I was having problems and didn't want to interfere with my, moping around. Then again, he did know how to cheer me up, I hadn't thought of that.

David crossed my mind. Why did he tell me a few days before that he didn't want me like I wanted him, and then changed his mind when he heard me speak the truth? Something didn't feel the same. It was as if he were only with me to get back at Jackson. Or to show Kaleb that he was with, and there was nothing he could do about it. That one sounded more like David. David was nice, and sweet, at times, and others, he was a complete jerk. And stupid I had to have thought about that, knowing David could hear my thoughts. Although, it would save me the trouble.

I didn't want David I didn't want to be with anyone. The only thing I wanted, was for me to finally be happy. Besides that, Kaleb was on my mind a lot. His brother had been ignoring the both of us. He knew something was up. If this was how I was going to spend the next few months, then I didn't want to stay here. I didn't want to get treated like an insolent child. I was soon to be eighteen, in the next year. I was sixteen, and practically capable of my own choices.

"Vanneka, I need, to talk to you," Malakia said entering my room. It was odd seeing him in my room. His white muscle shirt, and dark denim jeans, made him look a bronze.

"What is it," I asked him, low enough for him to hear, but no one else. He sighed as if something had been wrong.

"I um, I know that you need time to cope with a lot but, I just wanted to tell you that, I'm here if you need me," He said going to the window. That was what he wanted? That was worth five minutes of practice.

"Also, you should know that David is using you," He said. Well, that came off strong. What the hell did that mean?


"David is trying to make Kaleb mad, He knows you and Kaleb have a possible connection, and he wanted you so Kaleb would back off, but he sees that Kaleb isn't going to, so he has decided to stop using you," Malakia stated. I was confused.

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