Chapter 18- Mountain of Nigira

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The next morning we were packed and ready to head out. The handful that did go with us, had already been waiting for Gram's to teleport them. Three miles was a long way to walk but luckily we only had to have one duffel, that was for each of us. Cadence would be so thrilled to see us, and I wasn't sure how I'd feel about seeing her. I loved her, but she had changed so much. She aged so quickly, and being in the body of a thirteen-year-old had its perks. Of course, Grams saw me in her.

When we were all gathered in Grams' room, she began casting the spell. It didn't take but two minutes for us to begin fading from her sight. It felt as if the wind had been still and gravity was gone. The world rippled around us. Malakai hadn't said a word to me. I wasn't sure if it was because he was on a mission, or what had happened the night before.

Once time was finally done catching up, we were standing in the middle of a desert, just three miles from Nigeria. It was so hot that the desert heat would make a human crazy just in two seconds. I decided to take off a layer so, I placed my bag on the ground and took my black T-shirt off. I had a white tank top on. Of course, I didn't think to bring shorts with me. So my skinny jeans would have to suffice. I was so ready to search for that ring and find the sword. Dad had it but of all the things to have gone missing, the sword did.

"Vanneka, have you noticed a difference in Malakai since Josh came yesterday," Dad asked me. I nodded. So glad he noticed. Danny and Michael continued down the rocky desert.

"I think he's upset because of Jackson, I just think I hurt his feelings," I said. Dad nodded to me.

"He loves you Vanneka, I know he does, he wouldn't have cast that spell if he didn't," Dad said. I knew what he meant. Jackson was under the spell nothing more. And I didn't love Jackson, I just thought I did. But Malakai was my childhood love and he was so important to me.

"Maybe I should try talking to him," I said. He nodded me forward. I hesitated but then decided I had better talk to him, he was only the love of my entire life. So I moved forward next to him. He seemed to notice because he looked at me a grinned.

"Malakai, I hope you're not angry at me, you know, over the whole Jackson thing," I said. He shook his head.

"Vanneka, I'm not anything at you, I love you, it's just that, I know what you and Jackson had, even if I did put a spell on you, I made you fall for him, and I'll never be able to forgive myself for that," He stated. Well, at least he wasn't mad at me. He was angry at himself.

"Malakai, I love you, don't you know that by now, I have always loved you and even though you did what you did, I still love you, stop being mad at yourself and start looking towards what matters," I stopped and touched his arm. He stopped as well and looked at me in confusion.

"Start looking at me."

He stood still for a moment, watching me, and then his eyes began to turn crystal, bluer than any vampire I had ever seen. His skin became cold but soft. His fangs began climbing from his gums. He was turning into a vampire, and for a reason, he was showing himself to me. All of his flaws. No one seemed to notice or didn't care. Everyone continued while Malakai and I stood together, still.

"I see you," I said touching his face. He looked deeper into my eyes, I could feel my hands shake. He was so sensitive. The best guy a girl could have.

"I see you," He said. His fangs disappeared, his skin turned olive, and his eyes faded to a normal dark blue color. He was no longer a vampire.

"I am so sorry Vanneka, I've caused so much hurt just by hating myself for what I've done, I didn't realize, you were hurting anyway, and it was all because I was too dumb to see it," He said as his hands reached for me. I embraced him in a hug. He had been so warm, and calm. His presence alone was enough for comfort.

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