Chapter 13 Preparing for war

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For the past week, we've been practicing in the woods. Me and Vannessa against Karla and Crystal. Sometimes they got the upper hand, and sometimes we got the upper hand. No one said anything to anyone. We'd come back home from "Hunting" and no one suspected a thing. Except for one person, Malakai. He knew but he wouldn't argue with us. And he barely spoke to me. So I guess I just needed to wait it out and see if he got over whatever it was he was angry about.

We came home, almost sundown, and no one bothered asking us how we did. Dad was preparing dinner himself in the kitchen. It was strange that we only hinted twice a week and the rest of the time we ate normal food. Dad was fixing two pans of lasagna. The rest of our group was out hunting, this must have been a family thing. Malakai was here, but then so were Grams, Mom, Dad, and of course us, but why wasn't Malakai out hunting?

"So, I bet you're wondering why Malakai isn't out with all the other, well, he wanted to stay behind, because we have something to talk to about, and he wanted to be included," Dad said as if hearing my head. That would have been impossible. 'Hear Nothing.' I thought. Maybe that will keep everyone out of my head.

"Sit, and enjoy, I fixed a salad as well, lettuce, tomato, no meat, cheese, and I added sweet crackers, just for you Vanneka," He said. Something was going on for sure.

I sat down in my seat in between Malakai and Crystal, and Karla and Vannessa sat opposite us. Dad and Mom at the end, and Grams sat beside Vannessa at the end. Whatever was going on, we girls were not going to be pulled into something we didn't want to be a part of. We would get up and leave before that could happen.

"So, who wants to start the conversation, no one well I will," He started, "How could you girls be so stupid as to think that we wouldn't find out about your little mind block spell, and your training in the woods."

"How did you-"

"I told him what happened," Malakai said interrupting me. You have got to be kidding.

"Why would you tell them about this," I asked. The girls just put their heads down. Oh no.

"We all did, we were concerned for you Vanneka, this isn't our fight," Vannessa said. She was always wanting to fight.

"Malakai, why would you tell them, and why would you, girls," I asked. My heart shrunk. I can't believe they'd betray me.

"Van, you have to believe me, I never meant for you to get hurt, but-"

"What Malakai, you just wanted me to be lied to, deceived, as everyone else has done, first Josh, then David, then Grams and Dad, and on top of that someone put a love spell on me, and now the prince is someone I would go crazy knowing, no one trusts me, do they, they think I'm a rogue," I said. Malakai didn't say anything, at all. But something happened that everyone was surprised about.

"You're not a rogue Vanneka," We turned and in the doorway, stood Luke, "You're amazing."

I got up and embraced him in a hug and it lasted for as long as it could with Karla in the room. She was in shock. He was alive. I already knew he was still alive but she had no idea, no one did. And it was a shock to everyone. He would know what would happen because he can tap into the future, being an Angel has its perks.

"Luke, I'm so glad you decided to show back up I so needed you tonight," I said. He let me go, looking at Karla.

"No one will kick Vanneka when she's down, around me," He said. Malakai stood up.

"You're an angel," He said. Luke nodded. Karla then stood up. He looked at her with so much compassion. He loved her so much.

"I was going to tell you, all of you, Vanneka knew, I came to her when those wolves came to attack her in her room, she needed me, I knew what would happen if I didn't come back, but know that, I've seen the future if someone doesn't include Vanneka, bad things could happen," He said. Malakai knew he was telling the truth. Dad knew too. Angels can't lie. And they never have.

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