Chapter 8- Kaleb's Confession

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Christmas Eve was not as fun as I thought. Kaleb and I ignored each other. Jackson kept picking at me, but I realized that he was only being the big brother figure. The one who has my back, and makes me laugh. Charades were easy, due to a lack of trying, on everyone's part. I knew better than to guess at dad's I got it every time. Then I had to go, which I made mine easy, and Karla got mine. At least we weren't all fighting about something crazy. Dad decided to call it quits and go be with Mom for a while. Grams wanted her and Travis to work on plans for Christmas. The two blonde twins decided it was time to go out and fight in the snow.

I didn't say anything to anyone, I cleaned up what mess was made in the kitchen, and went back upstairs. Of course, something didn't feel right. I knew the feeling when something was off. This was the feeling I had. I felt eerie. As if someone had been watching us. Or spying on us, for no reason. So, I made my way upstairs, to my room. I opened the door slowly and I didn't have to find trouble, it found me. In my window stood Lee, Russ, and Max. The three wolves looking for me. How did they even get in here?

"Young Vanneka, on vacation with Grammy, and all the other goons, how is Christmas vacation so far," Lee spoke. Wow, he was odd.

"Great, never better, here I thought you came to give me a present," I said sarcastically. Max laughed.

"We did come to give you a present, it's called a getaway, you are coming with us," He spoke. Well, at least he wasn't being smart about it. How was I to fight three wolves?

"You think I'll go with you three goons, yeah right, keep wishing," I said as stepped towards the bed. Russ jumped up, changing into a black wolf, those were rare.

"You have two options, come freely, or we take you in by force," Lee spoke through his teeth. There was no way I was going to be able to fight them by myself, but I didn't want anyone else to know they were there. And I sure wasn't about to be stupid and go with them.

"Tell ya what, you leave my room, and I'll make sure that you won't get hurt," I spoke bravely. They weren't about to take me. Not without a fight, which I'm sure they'd put up a good one.

"Haha, funny, but, there are three of us, being wolves, and one of you being a vampire, not a very fair fight now is it," Lee laughed. It was for me, I knew how to fight. And Luke would help if I needed him.

"I'll take my chances home boy," I said before turning into a vicious vampire.

Lee Russ came towards me, leaping into the air, I moved over and he hit the wall. Lee leaped, fur coming out of his skin, he leaped over me too, making him hit Russ. Max decided to turn, and jump over me, hitting the top of my head, I fell to the ground but not before Russ hoovered over the top of me, and he growled like he was getting ready to sink his teeth inside of me. Max nudged him off of me, grabbing me and swinging me into the wall above the bed. I grunted as I hit the bed.

I couldn't even stand a chance with these three, but I was sure putting up a good fight. Once Lee started to jump at me, I jumped off the bed, causing him to hit the wall, and yelp in agony. Max and Russ came towards me in different directions, I moved and they clashed together. They yelped hitting the floor. There was no sure sign as to who was winning right now because I didn't have anywhere to go. If I jumped out the window they'd follow me. And two of them were blocking the door. I had nowhere to run. I was trapped. Unless someone was outside, they'd never risk a fight with all the vampires. I looked out the window, not seeing anyone. Great.

Max leaped at me, with full force, pushing me from my window, into the snow. As I fell, I grunted in agony, and a pain shot through me. The other two joined Max, but they stood down. I was guessing Max was the leader of this pack. Nothing could be worse now. Except I would climb, which done me no good, the trees were too far away and they would catch up to me. I was lost. No hope for me.

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