Chapter 3- Never alone

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I had my books and things packed up, ready to leave the library. I don't think anything wanted to discuss what just happened. They wanted to clear it from their minds. Or at least Jackson did. But I knew someone would want to know what happened. And in that moment, no one had anything to say about the scene we caused. They just, walked outside, as if nothing happened. And I had to pretend nothing happened. Jay and Coach L acted as though nothing happened, at all. As if it were all a make-believe story. They seemed, normal. Everyone did. As if, it never happened. But it happened.

"Vanneka wait for me," Kaleb yelled. He seemed normal too. I was confused. The streets were still icy cold, but everyone who had witnessed that seemed to not even notice it happened.

"Hey, what did you think about that," I said pointing towards the library. He shrugged and grinned.

"The same thing every time this happens, they change, scope the place, then when the moon hides, they change back," He said. He didn't remember what just happened. Something swiped his memory. Or was working on mine?

"So, nothing else happened back there," I asked. He shrugged and tilted his head, we continued walking to my dorm.

"Other than that that, you fell off the balcony, hit your head, and passed out," He said. Wait, I fell and passed out? I don't remember that. 

"I did," I asked. He stopped me and took a look at my head.

"Yeah, you took a good tumble off the second level, the wolves tried to attack you and you fell, but we secured you behind the desk, and I kept watch, when you woke, the wolves were already into their human forms and you went to find your books,"  He said. So nothing happened then? Or that's what they saw and I saw something else.

"Okay, well thanks for saving me," I said smiling. He tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. It had fallen.

"No problem, anytime," He said sweetly. Wow, the kinky smile came back. He winked at me and walked away from me. This situation was getting creepy. Not only did he protest in saving me, but he was flirting with me when Jackson was my boyfriend.

As he walked along the campus sidewalk to his dorm, I noticed something. One, I was standing right at my building, and two, he had no idea what just happened. Which was weird. Maybe none of the ones I was around, did. Maybe they forgot what happened back there because it was a shadow, and it could destroy memories. But it didn't destroy mine. But it made everyone else forget what happened. But the entire thing was just surreal. David was back, and I saw him walking ahead of me. He left out that part. Or was David helping the guards? If Josh was trying to destroy me, by making things that never actually happened, seem real, he was doing a dainty job of it.

Back in Mine Lilly's room, Lilly was packing for a road trip. I had forgotten about going to Grams' house. Lilly was packed, ready to go, and itching to live. I wasn't as ready as I was a while ago. I was unsure of a lot of things. First, Jackson and I were still on a no-talk binge. Two, David was back, and he would know the truth of what happened. And three, the girls were set to go on a hike in the woods behind Gram's new house. They had asked me the day Gram's moved in, but I told them the dangers. Dad of course told them they could go this time, if, of course, I was to go with them. And instead of ruining their fun, I would let them go, just to see how dangerous it was.

So we grabbed our luggage and headed out of our room. It was hard enough to get Lilly's out. Her bag was like mine times two/ It had shoes and everything in it. Clothes, accessories, make-up, and personal items. Which was, not needed, but she wanted to take them. So once we were finally down the retched stairs, we met up with our people in the main lobby or the girls. Vannessa, who had the same size bag as me and Karla. Jessica, and Hayden, who had medium size backpacks. They did not need suitcases. Crystal and our other cousin, Olivia, who had reddish/blonde hair, and was a Witch/Vampire also, had small suitcases. I didn't know Olivia was back in town. I had forgotten about her.

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