Chapter 14- The time is now

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A week had passed by, just as it usually goes by, slowly. No one knew why I was so silent, but no one asked either. If it had been up to them, I'd be raging with fury about Malakai. They all knew he'd told me the truth about everything. Grams was sure I'd be just fine. Dad on the other hand was not so sure. He'd never seen me so quiet before. It was like the world shifted to a parallel universe. And in this case, I was the only parallel in the room. Mom had ignored any of us, because the last time she spoke her peace, she was voted out.

Malakai hadn't been speaking to anyone but Dad and the twins. And he sometimes spoke to Grams, or Nicholas. Cadence and Alejandro were still searching for the sword, last I heard they had been captured by the Nigira people. Or demons, they were harmless to vampires and werewolves. Only we knew about the second ring, and to get to the ring we'd have to get the sword and use Cadence's blood to reveal it in the goblet grams had been using for so many years.

The girls and I weren't seen talking to each other, or we didn't speak at all. The only one I spoke to was grams from time to time. Dad knew the feeling I'd been carrying so he stayed clear of me. I was a woman with a lot on my plate three sisters who didn't care enough to be there and an angel to whom, I'd rather have not been too talkative. Only because he would have spoken to my dad about whatever I said anyway.

"Girls, I want you all to come down here for just a moment," Dad yelled. Just like him to drag me out of my thoughts. I had been sitting in my window watching the rest of the snow melt on the ground.

We ran down, well I walked, and Dad was in the family room, but so were, Malakai, Grams, Nicholas, Nicholia, and Mom. Oh my goodness, it was an intervention. This could not be happening right now. Not only was my father crazy, but he was insane, because sitting on the far far right in a chair in the corner, was David. He was there to intervene in my thoughts, should I have any. Dad was desperate for answers, wasn't he?

"I called you down because, Vanneka and Malakai have both been ignoring everyone, and it's not good for anyone, we have to stay strong and together," He said. Malakai shook his head and turned towards the window. I sighed and sat down on the floor, sliding my back down the wall. What could I say?

"Look, we know you girls haven't been on speaking terms either, this is the thing we were talking about, you all know he's the prince and now you're ignoring your duties-"

"Look, Dad, I don't care who the prince is, I just want to sit this out, I don't want to be in this fight, this is not my fight," Karla said. Luke joined by her side.

"But it is Karls, because just this morning Josh sent a goon to look into all of your rooms, while you were sleeping, he's willing to kill you on the spot, if I hadn't been there, he would have succeeded," Luke said. Hm, Josh sent goons? To kill us before the fight means he's weaker than we thought. I had an idea.

"So Josh is a weak, big deal, that just means we can take him now," I said. Malakai looked at me. His eyes filled with worry.

"No, it means we have to train, to be ready, we can not do this blindly," He said, as if I was going to listen.

"I know Josh, I know his weakness, I know how to fight him, to kill him, if he's sending people after us, that just means he's weak, it could take weeks to regain strength unless he is feeding off the humans again, which means we need to strike before he does," I told them. Malakai wasn't having what I was dishing.

"No, Vanneka, we can't just go into his abode and take him when he's not looking, we have more dignity than that, more respect for what we do if we take him head-on without a warning with him being feeble, it shows we are the weak one's," And like that he was right. We would be weak, but also brave for trying to kill him. What we stood for was more than dignity and respect.

"That's it, we leave all the humans to be slaughtered, just because of pride and respect, yeah why don't we just give ourselves too while we're at it, and oh hey look, I think I'll start," I said heading towards the door. I wanted to give Josh the satisfaction of seeing my face once more anyway.

"Vanneka, wait," I heard Malakai saying following me outside. The weather was pretty nice. A little cloudy but it was fifty-five degrees and pretty still. I turned rolling my eyes.

"What Malakai, want me to sit and wait for another human to be killed by a murderous vampire, while you and Dad play combat at home, no thanks, I think I'll take my chances with the murderous vampire," I said turning, he grabbed my arm. I hated being grabbed, but I let it go and turned around.

"Please," He said with a worried look on his face.

"Please what, Malakai, we can't just do something," I told him. He let me go and put his head down.

"You're right, we can't," He said in defeat. That was unexpected but I didn't figure him to back down in the end. This was a fight I was not going to sit out.

"Van, I might not like it, but we have to stop him from killing everyone, and the best way to do that is to find these rings, we have one, we only need the other five to destroy him, we can do this," He said. I was not waiting that long for him to be destroyed completely. We had to act now.

"No, Malakai, don't you get it, that could take years, we have to act now, we have to do something," I said. He shook his head.

"Vanneka, listen to me, we can't go in without planning this, he has the upper hand, I'm trying to protect us all, you would only get yourself killed," He spoke as if he knew exactly what he was talking about.

How could he be so insensitive to think I would do something irresponsible? I would never do something if I thought it would be dangerous for anyone else but myself. I didn't care to put myself in danger, for my family. He couldn't do this to me, we were supposed to be friends, best friends, and I love him. I loved him as more than a friend, and even though he didn't know that, I couldn't let him think of me as a danger zone or a menace.

"Malakai, please, I hate when we fight, just hear me out, think about it, we could have Grams do a binding spell and we could go in and kill them all, all thirty of us or however many want to go, we can do this," I said. He shook his head. Why? He never disagreed with me on hardly anything.

"Vanneka it's just too risky," He said.

That was that, there was no changing his mind. And like an angry little girl, I turned away, storming outside onto the porch. He didn't understand how I felt about anything. This would be hard without his approval. He was the prince, he could kill them all in one snap. But he refused to. And at what cost? Humans couldn't fight them off if they tried. This could get bloody, and messy. And we could end up like the humans, in time. But still, Malakai didn't see it.

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