Chapter one- Cadence, Josh, and Trouble

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        "Mom," She whispered. Knowingly, I walked over to her bedside. Where had her love gone? Why was he not with her? Could she be in trouble? What was her reason for calling my name so lightly? It didn't seem like her. And yet there she lay, gold locks spread beneath the cool silk cloud of white. Her satin pink silk nightgown, sprawled across the bed of white satin lace. Eyes as bright as Ember stones. Fear upon her face. Their skin was so fair, that you could almost see through her. She called to me, to help her in this her distress. Yet, I knew what she wanted. 

"Cadence," I whispered, a crack in my voice. She glanced over her shoulder. Her arms were across her chest. The fear in her eyes became noticeable. My eyes began to feel wet. Soaked in my fear. The way her eyes looked at me as if I had done this to her. Her death was in my hands. Something had gone wrong, searching for the second ring of Shangia. 

"Mom, why didn't you save me?" Her eyes began to darken, as she cried. Trickling her face was red, thick liquid. Making it hard for me to look at her. Her face began crackling. Just as I'd imagine a porcelain doll being broken. I couldn't stand looking at her. The pale turned a darker shade, bloodshed shed tears filling the cracks in her porcelain skin. 

"I'sorry sorry, Baby, I'm sorry," I cried as she began breaking even more than before. My tears thickened every single crackle of her skin. The fact that she had been blaming me for the death of, it made it unbearablerable for me to watch. My baby faded into the darkness, never to return to me. It didn't take much for me, I didn't see why I was still standing there, watching. 

As her figure faded into the darkness, I lost sight of her. Knowing I should have followed her to the underworld. Another figure appeared in her place. The tall and thin person, making its way to my own figure. Nothing could have made this any worse. When the light came back to place I realized who I was looking at. Hi blondish/brown hair, pushed back. As if he had put gel in it. The blue in his eyes now a shade darker. His face as clear as crystals. Nothing he could have said no done would make me hate him less.

"What do you want, Josh?"

"To warn you, I'm not ever leaving you alone," He talked as though he meant everything he'd said. He looked almost as tough as I was, when I deafeated him. He had been training.

"What makes you think I won't kill you this time," I asked, hesitating to move closer. I was tougher than I use to be, I'll give myself credit for that. His smile sarcastically crept on his face. He inched closer and closer until I could feel his breath on my neck, making me nervous.

"Know this, I'm back, and I'm not about to let you take anything from me, or," He stopped as Cadence popped into view, "I might have to kill your precious daughter."

He stepped closer to Cadence, holding her in front of himself. He was trying to grasp her neck, she tried to call out for help, but he was too strong for her to even try. My eyes fi heavily heavy with tears. He smiled at me, trying to basshole hole. It was working too well for him. He looked down at Cadence, smirking at her, she tried to wiggle herself away from him. After the wait, Josh finally put the other hand on her cheek. She cried, the tears dropping to the hard ground. With one twist, he snapped her neck. He shoved her body aside. My tears were heavier than ever now. 

"I warn you this, either you do as I say, or everything you have, will die."

I shot up out of bed. My entire body is on fire. The dorm room was completely silent. To bad the boys didn't share the same dorms, as the girls. It was odd, my heart finally racing, trying to slow itself. Being miles away from Grams' house, was the only problem I had. She tried protecting us as much as possible, from inside her house. It worked just fine, but I didn't like that we could only go over on some weekends and holidays. Being a sophomore in this school sucked. But Cadence being fresh was a very well different story, she liked having a sophomore soon-to-be, boyfriend. Her birthday was in two weeks, and she was growing rapioverse of a month, she's been growing inch by inch. She would make you think she was older than she was. She was nine but had the body of an eleven-year-old. Which meant nothing to me.

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