Chapter 21- Never ends

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We all ran to Grams as quickly as we possibly could. I kept thinking I should have gone back to check on them. I wish I had gone to them after our encounter with Josh. I figured if something happened, the Forbidden Beast would come to me, and tell me. But he did not, and I hadn't told him to find me if it did. Malakai ran close to me, not letting me out of range. Dad was the first one at Grandma's house. Vannessa was the second, Karla, then Crystal, and I was the last. Almost afraid to walk inside.

I ventured in, Malakai close beside me. Grams was in the living room, bent over Mom's limp body. She had been covered in blood, and beaten pretty badly. Her arms were red from what looked like someone tightening a grip on her. The demons must have done this. The beast was still in the house, but he had to crouch down to even see anything. Dad grabbed Grams by the arm, she looked up as she was sobbing and grabbed him, pulling him into a hug. Mom was gone, this wasn't an accident.

"The Karo they fought hard, I saved the elder one, the only one I could get to, Claire fought off till one grabbed her, holding her, poisoning her with mind, she tried to fight, but they kept hitting, scratching, she fought good, but she didn't win, I kill Karo's, and Elder is safe," The beast spoke. I looked up at him. He had sorrow in his eyes too.

"You have a bit of human in you, don't you," I asked. At this time Dad and Grams both watched me speak to the beast with no tears or sorrows.

"I was once, man, but cursed by Karo, that is how I kill Karo, return curse, I can't go back to human, only queen of Witch can set free," He spoke. But Gram was the queen, she could reverse the curse!


"I know, I must reverse it for he saved my life," She spoke standing up. The Beast bent in front of her.

"Must reverse, Skin of Karo, the blood of a vampire, hair of a werewolf, and words of the witch," He said. That was what it would take to return him to human form. He was just lonely and afraid, he didn't want to hurt anyone. So I took one look at one of the Karos and used my nail to rip part of its skin, I then bit my finger, and Malakai stopped me.

"If you use your blood you will be tied to him once it is reversed, if he dies, you die, his life is in your hands, and yours in his," He spoke. Then Dad stepped up.

"I'll do it," He said pricking his finger with a fang. I stepped away to let Grams get a hair from Alejandro. He willingly plucked one. And then grams put the ingredients together and began chanting in a different language. No one understood her.

The chanting continued for two minutes, until a light from the bowl grams used, glowed. Grams gave the bowl to the Beast, and he drank from it. After setting it down, He stood up. A glow from him blinded most of us. But it began taking effect. His paws, transformed into human hands, His furry feet were no longer furry, or huge. His face, transformed into a human face. And when all was done, before us, stood a five-foot-nine-inch man, slim but fit, with brown hair and golden eyes. He was darling. He was so nice-looking and young.

"Thank you, my name is Zach, I was once a werewolf, cursed by the Karos because I was trying to hide the witches away, I am truly thankful for the chance to be human again," He spoke. That was a nice name.

"Um, exactly how old are you Zach," I asked. Malakai was wandering the same thing.

"Well, I turned when I was twelve but was cursed when I was nineteen, so I guess Nineteen though it's been a hundred years, so a hundred and nineteen," He said. He was very handsome for a nineteen-year-old and spoke very genuinely.

"Well, I'm just glad we could reverse the curse," I spoke. And then my mind wandered over to my mother, Zach looked sorrowful. He was extremely sorry he couldn't save her, though we were looking at her like someone else could. And I saw his eyes go from Mom to Cadence, and back to Mom. He knew something. Something that no one else knew, and he wasn't going to tell us.

"Can Cadence bring her back," I asked. He sighed. This didn't sound good.

"Only if she takes an oath," he said. What?

"What oath," Cadence asked moving beside me.

"To bring your grandmother back, you have to take an oath of binding freedom, basically if you bring her back the dead can take you at any time no questions asked, but it wouldn't be for another five years," He said. Cadence looked from Mom to Zach.

"I'll do it," She said. We were all a little surprised by that one. I didn't figure Cadi to do something like this.

"Can anyone else do this besides Cadence," I asked. Malakai didn't like that.

"No, only she who was born of light can do this, no one else can be in the room, I can stay with her, but no one else is supposed to be here," He said. But we agreed to let her do this. And so we did.

*We waited for thirty minutes, and no news had come from the living room. Alejandro paced back and forth. I held Malakai's hand the whole time. It seemed like all I could do was worry that something had gone wrong. Malakai tried to assure me that Zach knew what he was doing and that he would protect her. It didn't help knowing my daughter was going to be bargaining with the dead.

A few minutes more, and still nothing. Dad was so worried about Mom, I didn't think he even worried about Cadence. And why would he? She was the light, she'd probably come back after death anyway. Knowing my luck, she wouldn't stay dead, she'd figure out a way to bring herself back.

"Girls, and guys," Zach said walking into the room. Cadence followed him, and then Mom followed her.

"It worked," Cadence said. Mom looked different. Like she hadn't been beaten or fought with anything. She smiled at Dad, and Dad got up and ran to her.

"Oh Claire, I'm sorry I wasn't here," He said. She smiled.

"You had a duty to the girls," Mom spoke. Grams got up and hugged her as well as the other girls. But something in me didn't want to. Almost as if I was stuck in my seat, I couldn't move, and I wouldn't move.

"Mom, aren't you happy to see Grandma," Cadi asked me. Of course, I was.

"Of course I am, but knowing that you may die in the next five years or so without having children, it scares me, I want to be able to say I have grandchildren when I'm older," I said, Malakai chuckled. I looked at him, he was smiling at me, and then I noticed a look in his eyes.

"Mom I believe you should worry about your kids instead of my future kids," She said. What did that mean?

"I only have you Cadi," I said to him. She raised an eyebrow at Malakai.

"The prophecy, tell her," She said. I looked over eagerly at him. He prepared himself for what he was about to say.

"It is written that you and I when the year is past, will bear a child, one with the ultimate power, stronger than Cadence, and both of us," He said. Well, that was a shock. So in a year, I am going to have another baby. Wonder if it'll be a boy or girl?

"Also, Vanneka," He said getting down on his right knee, "I was wondering if I could ask you something."

"Um, sure," I said nervously. He pulled out a box and opened inside was a small heart-shaped ring made of titanium metal but had diamonds inside each heart.

"Would you promise me when the time comes, you'll say yes to marrying me," He asked. OH MY GOODNESS!!

"YES, Of course, I will Mal," I said, as I hugged him. He slipped the ring on my left ring finger and gave me a gentle kiss. This was the best night of my life. And it would only continue.

I was going to have a happy life with Malakai. I could already tell but I also knew with Josh recruiting demons and creatures from all over, I would eventually have to face the music, plus 4 rings left, is going to be such a long few months or years. I was hoping for no more than two years, but who knew? Mom and Dad were still here and so were Grams, and now we had another wolf on our side, Zach. So with this many recruits, what could go wrong? So many things could happen from now until the end of time, but one thing was for certain, whatever happened we had to destroy those rings and Josh.

Something in the mystic fog(Book2)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin