Chapter 21: Lights, Camera, Action!

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So let's see who's been paying attention ;) The Last Chapter!

Epilogue will be posted before the end of this week so bear with me. Let me know your thoughts, enjoy waking up with massive spam from you guys haha xx thanks everyone for reading!

~~1 year before ~~

"Fuck Him. I'm so tired of him. I'm gonna kick his arse myself."

"Calm down El. What happened back there?"

Eleanor heads towards her mattress and grabs a hold of the pillow. She raises it and screams into the stripped design, throwing it at the mirror when she's done, fortunately not shattering the furniture.

The thin woman runs her fingers through her long, wavy brunette hair as she glances at her body guard, and best friend, standing by the door, shutting it quietly behind her.

She walks up to her and pulls her into a hug, which she kindly accepts, shaking her head.

"Dumbarse kicked me out. He refused to take it, I even offered him 75 grand. He's not in this for the money, I know it. He just wants to mess with me. I don't deserve this. I'm a fucking good person."

Eleanor's best friend slowly sits her down on the bed and hugs her harder, tears beginning to stream down her cheeks.

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