Chapter One: Let Me Introduce Myself

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Okay, now that I've given you the harsh warning, and you've decided to read on, which is either very brave or very stupid. Let me introduce myself.

I'm Adrianna better known as Dri.

Let's get something big out of the air, I'm not human.

I know what you're thinking what are we, vampires or werewolves. I'm neither I'm something different, something that Hollywood hasn't had the chance to suck the life out of.

I am immortal for the most part; there is a way for us to be killed but I'm not going to go into that right now. We age until we hit twenty-one. Also, in looks well let's just say I'm above average. As we grow older, because we our physical appearances don't change, our mental one does, we develop "gifts." They range from telekinesis to enhanced hearing and eyesight to extreme strength. We are already very strong and very fast, much more than humans. Not even the world's strongest man could beat me in an arm wrestling match, when I was five.

The thing is there are other supernatural creatures such as; vampires, werewolves, and witches and warlocks. When blood of another supernatural creature is combined with ours, which means a kid is born, it makes an even more powerful Immortal. Many Immortal families have mixed blood its necessary, consorting with other kinds leads away from incest and also helps to strengthen the Immortal.

There was a prophecy made long ago that there would come not one but two children that would have the proper blood mixture. Those children were born seventeen years ago. I'm the girl and the boy just happens to be one of my best friends.

This is where my story begins...


"You know the Vampire Council's coming this weekend, right? You didn't forget, did you?" Skylar asks.

I forgot. Why does it seem every time the Council is supposed to show up, I forget?

 "Of course, I didn't forget." I lie.

"She's lying. She totally forgot, again, same old Dri." Tiffany speaks, sticking her head out from behind the now open door. Tiffany has the gift to be able to tell when someone is lying or if they aren't telling the whole truth, which can either be very useful or very annoying, depending on the situation. Right now it's the latter.

"Dri, Dri, Dri. When will you ever learn?" Leda chides, following Tiffany into my room.

"Oh shut up you probably forgot too." I snap back. I was starting to get annoyed, if Tiffany just hadn't said anything we wouldn't be having this conversation on the first place.

"No need to get, snappy. Just breathe and relax." Maya says, entering the room behind Leda and Tiffany.

"Yeah, Dri. Just calm down. You're just nervous." Skylar adds.

"I know, I know. I'm nervous. It's just that Vampire Council's always very important for me. You know if they actually came up with anything productive and useful." I responded while they all laugh. They all know that Vampire Council's always the same. They never know what to do with me or the other boy.

"We know Dri, but there is someone else who is going through the exact same thing. Although, Damon, probably has it worse since more people know about his blood mixture." Tasha informs me.

"Everyone knows about me. They just choose to ignore the fact that I'm the other child," I pause. "Most people acknowledge that I'm the other child it's only the ancient Immortals who are suck in their ways and the other supernaturals."

Damon was the guy that has the same blood mixture as me, no he's not my brother we're not even related. The other reason why he's acknowledged for his bloodline from other older Immortals is that they're extremely sexist they don't think a girl or even a woman could lead them to peace. Adding to that is that there are not very many Immortal women only about twenty percent of the population are female, so I have no idea how I have for friends that are the same age as I am that are girls.

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