Chapter Four: Vampire Council

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The Council meeting started with a lot of talk about what had happened in the three year space of time, since they’d been gone-it was a lot of boring stuff, that was changed into something that had a lot of fancy long words which made it sound even more stupid- but I’m not going to pretend there wasn’t some interesting info mixed in with the boring.

Apparently, there hasn’t been much conflict in the vampire world which is very strange. No feuds in the vamp universe, yeah right. Anyways there’s always a calm before the storm, something’s going to happen.

Then they finally got to the main event Damon and I. (I’m not full of myself, please continue to read.)

First, let me tell you that every single time Council meets, there is always a discussion about Damon and I. I’m pretty much used to it by now. However, as we get older everyone seems to get even more worried. I don’t know why though. I really don’t think I’m going to go evil at any moment but I guess they haven’t saw into my brain so they aren’t really sure about me.

“How about we move onto the next issue.” Drake suggested, looking right at Damon and I. I better pay attention; it’s time to listen to people talk about me like I’m not even there. “That would be Damon and Dri.” He added in case anyone had fallen asleep or wasn’t paying attention, like me, I wasn’t really.

“Yes.” Victor said, speaking for the millionth time today. I think his voice was giving me a head ache. “Mr. Damon and Ms. Adrianna.” I glared at the sound of my full name. My parents were the only ones that called me Adrianna on a regular basis and I really don’t like other people calling me Adrianna, other than my friends, Victor is definitely not one of my friends. It’s okay with Damon and stuff because he’s just teasing me but Victor wasn’t teasing me, and if he was it still wouldn’t be cool, he looked right up at me and arched an eyebrow at me. Just daring me to correct him. How I so wanted to! The nerve of some people! Okay, kids’ being like that is horrible but adults’ being like that is dreadful. Also, Victor should know not to call me that after all his creations killed my parents. I swear he wants to make it worse on me. If he did, I really wouldn’t be surprised, he’s an awful person.

See, this was what I was talking about when I said there were plenty of things to hate about him.

“We need to discuss what we think will happen with them.” Drake continued, shooting a look at me that told me he was sorry and that he was also annoyed, well that wasn’t really a look it was more like a facial expression. Drake really didn’t have to do that he has the gift of healing and causing people extreme amounts of pain. After he looked at me I felt better. He can heal mental, physical, and emotional pain from a distance which comes in handy at times like this, when someone isn’t feeling the best in any state of mind or body.

Instead of smiling back at Drake I just nodded. I really didn’t want to make Damon any madder, (not because I like Drake, way too old for me, he’s over three hundred years old.) Damon might think I was smiling at the hot blonde vampire again.

Oooooohhhh, speaking of hot blonde. Who said I can’t look at him? As I switched my gaze off of Drake and over to Ian, I saw he was looking in my direction but not at me. He was looking at Damon with a questioning look on his face.

Then it hit me. Ian was trying to figure out if we were together. Why though? He couldn’t be interested in me already. Maybe he was just curious. We were a guy and a girl sitting together and Leda and Skylar were sitting a few seats a way. It’s only natural for him to think we were an item. (Oh god that sounds so stupid. Oh well, you get the point.) Time to set this straight I nudged Damon. “That Ian guy’s staring at you.” I whispered very quietly.

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