Chapter Twenty-Three: Lily's Meadow

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Chapter Twenty-Three

I stare down at the words written on the page. It was actually from Victor, it was a clue. I was partially happy but partially disgusted. Victor was the sick bastard I always thought he was, he’s probably thinking what he’s accomplished, managing to kidnap Damon and getting to leave me on a goose chase, that’s relying on him to tell us where to go.

Dear Adrianna,

            If you are reading this you have followed us due to the fact that you are a child that doesn’t think before acting. Yet, you won’t turn back even though I’ve just insulted you. Even if you know you’re walking into a trap you won’t. Why? Because you’re too attached to Damon and now that Skylar’s kidnapped as well it just makes everything that much worse for you.

            The thing is Adrianna is that you have no idea where to go. You followed us because you were enraged that you weren’t able to stop us but you never really had a plan. You most likely thought that I would have a thought-out plan which Council would have told you if you went to them. I’m leaving you clues. I guess I’m just predictable but I’m smart and I have your precious Damon. I took him away and you couldn’t stop me.

            Now onto the clue because even though it thrills me to just imagine seeing your enraged face reading this I just don’t have time. Really if you weren’t necessary I wouldn’t even be doing this. You would have just been killed but certain predators like to toy with their prey.

            Your Clue:

            Follow us down to a place where only despair has been brought to you. Things went so wrong in that little town it tore you apart and really all it was a well thought out work of art.

            Really if you don’t figure that out you’re thicker than I thought.


            “Do you know where he’s talking about?” Derek asks.

            I nod as do the girls. I take a deep breath before answering.

            “The place where our parents were killed,” I say. “It’s just outside of this little town called Lily's Meadow.”

            “Are you okay to go there? Are you all okay to go there?” Felix asks nervously. I’m pretty sure he picked up on the horrible flash back that went through our minds.

I’m not just going to go over everything that happened but the thing that sticks with me most was that when I was told of the news we were allowed to go there. It was our first time away from the town. No one ever leaves unless their family decides to or if they’re over twenty-one. It’s not a cult but it’s just not safe for us to go off on our own until we received the proper training; not everyone love Immortals, not many do but basically it’s because they’re jealous.

Anyways the thing that sticks with me was going there. They hadn’t moved the bodies; we went straight there once Tiffany’s parents had come back. I remember seeing my parents lying lifeless on the ground staring at the sky but they weren’t breathing or blinking. At first I was in denial, they didn’t have to breathe or blink. I ran over to them and yelled at them to wake-up, that it wasn’t funny, that their daughter needed them.

The others were doing the same thing, they were yelling at their parents to wake-up. They screamed that they needed them that they would do anything. Then we were pulled away and told the truth that they were killed by a group of rogues and they weren’t coming back. After that things got bad I was depressed, I wouldn’t eat for months which really started to tap at my strength. I just wasn’t healthy and it’s hard not to be healthy when you’re an Immortal but I succeeded.

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