Chapter Eight: Truth or Dare? Part II

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“The dare for them has to be good.” Chloe said.

            “Especially if all of us are doing it.” Leda added.

            “But what should it be?” Skylar asked.

            “We should brainstorm.” Ian suggested.

            “Give each other piggy backs.” Chloe suggested.

            “They’re Immortals, they have supernatural strength.” Derek said in a duhh-voice.

            “Find Victor and kiss him.” Damon said. Okay, pretty good for a dare, but oh, so disgusting.

            “Walk around in their underwear.” Derek added.

            “Make out with each other.” Felix said really loudly.

            “Ewwwww!” All of the girls echoed, what was with Felix? All of the other guys too, they all looked like they’d be into it.

            “That just makes me wanna puke up blood.” Skylar told him.

            “Yum.” Felix said. What the hell is wrong with him, “I’m a vampire remember.” He reminded us, makes sense but still. Ewww!

            “Anything else?” Ian asked, then he looked at Felix who looked like he was about to say something, “Appropriate.” Felix frowned looking disappointed.

            “Well, we could make them do an impersonation of all of us.” I suggested, “It’s not much of a dare but it would be funny.”

            “Sounds cool.” Ian agreed.

            “Why not.” Felix also agreed.

            We broke out of our huddle and turned to face Tiffany and Maya, “We dare you.” We all said at the same time, “To do an impersonation of all of us.” They both shrugged, it really wasn’t that hard of a dare, but it sure as hell was going to be entertaining for us.

            “You go first.” Tiffany told Maya.

            “No, you go first.” Maya disagreed.

            “No you go first, woman.” Tiffany told Maya, who she was now shaking. Maya just sat back down.

            “No.” Maya replied, pouting like a little kid.

            “Fine.” Tiffany agreed. “Ummm.” She looked confused.

            “Do an impression of Skylar.” I suggested.

            “Okay.” She agreed. “I’m completely in love with Felix.” Skylar glared at Tiffany, she was blushing really badly, partly because Felix was sitting right next to her and staring at her.

            “Your turn Maya.” Damon told her.

            She cleared her throat, “Felix, Felix I do. When we’re apart my heart beats only for you.” Maya sang, quoting Harry Potter. I guess they were keeping the same theme; Felix. Speaking of Felix he was now smirking at Skylar.

            “Really?” He asked, arching an eyebrow. “I had no idea you felt that way about me.” He joked, Skylar’s face turned an even deeper shade of red. I laughed and so did everyone else, once they knew what I was laughing about.

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