Chapter Three: Meeting Victor

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They were extremely beautiful, for vampires. I think they were even up to our standards, which is messed up! Some of them looked beautiful in a harsh way. One girl had long straight jet black hair which made her look extremely pale- even for a vampire. She also, had emerald green eyes that were so piercing it felt as though she could see through my soul. As she got closer I saw those eyes weren’t full of life-no pun intended- they were cold and calculating, like she was trying to come up with a way to destroy us all.

            Then came a boy with black hair and beautiful blue eyes, which made Leda’s mouth drop open. He was gorgeous but he just had a look to him that said he’d kill you if you said anything the tiniest bit rude to him. Well, I’d better not slip up and call him a bloodsucker, at least not to his face.

            Following him, was a guy with red hair but it looked like it was a mix of blond, brown and red which looked very hot. I glanced over at Skylar I knew she had a thing for red heads and sure enough he mouth was hanging open.

            “Oh my god!” Skylar whispered, excitingly. This guy better watch out.

            After the new object of Skylar’s affection came a girl with long strawberry blond hair that hung in ringlets down her back. Yeah, freaking ringlets, ringlets that reached her hips. On top of her perfect hair she had turquoise eyes. Like the rest of her wasn’t perfect enough, her eyes were a shade that no living- or living dead- person should have. It’s like they hypnotized you. I hated her instantly, (any guys that may be reading this, it’s a girl thing, don’t try to understand it.) She looked amazing but the real reason I don’t like her is; she was riddling all the guys stupid. It’s like, you live around attractive people all the time and as soon as a girl above average in looks comes strutting in, your mouths are hanging open with your tongues hanging out basically drooling. Seriously are they Immortals or dogs? Have a little pride.

            Following the blonde was… oh my God!!! This guy was extremely hot. I guess, they were saving the best for last. He had blonde hair, I’m not a lover of blonde hair but this guy made it work. Then he had the most beautiful chocolate brown eyes I’ve ever saw they made me feel like I was melting. Okay, that sounds really stupid and cheesy but if you saw this guy your jaw would drop. Wait, is my mouth hanging open. I checked. Good it’s not. I guess I shouldn’t have been ranting about the blonde girl.

            I looked over at Skylar and Leda, sure enough; their mouths’ were hanging open. I wonder if Skylar forgot about her red head and Leda forgot about Mr. Tall-Dark-and-Handsome. That’s odd for them but this guy is seriously hot.

            No vampire was supposed to look like that. They were supposed to look like super models. Immortals are supposed to look inhumanly beautiful. Vamps should be able to blend in with humans fairly easily. These new vampires, I don’t think, will be too successful in that department, they look too much like us.

            Behind the new members were the regular looking vampires who would be sitting in on the council.

            Now we were heading to the Council Building. (By the way vampires like to call us the Gifted instead of Immortals I think it’s because they don’t want to acknowledge that we’re more powerful than they are and we're going to outlive most of them) As I was about to say vamps and the Gifted are alike in that we’re very impatient which is odd because vampires are created not born, unless you say they’re reborn, (just some cheesy wordplay thrown in to amuse you guys), back to impatience. Have you noticed that I go off topic a lot to explain something or just because I want to add some smart-ass comment I just want to throw in? Damn it! I did it again. Okay, I’m sorry if I go off topic again.

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