Chapter Thirteen: Partners

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Chapter Thirteen

They fixed me. My face no longer looked that horrible, it didn’t really in the first place. I just didn’t look like myself.

            We were just arriving at the field not. Instead of having to go inside Jason was waiting for us outside that only happens when…

            “We’re going to play the game.” He explains when we get closer. That’s the wrestling game that we played before. Great! Now, I get to beat up some actual people.

            “When are we starting?” Skylar asks.                                                                                        

            “As soon as everyone else gets here.” He answers, “You guys can go to the trees.”

            We nod and start to walk away from him.

            “I wonder what the teams will be.” Maya voices, “They can’t be Immortals against Vampires again.”

            “Hmm, I don’t know.” I reply.

            We reach the tree line, now I don’t have to talk anymore. I just don’t feel like talking, actually I do, I want to talk to Damon. I want us to be over this fight.

            I climb my tree swiftly and relax as I wait for the game to start.

            About twenty minutes later, Jason starts to yell, “The teams are guys on girls. You all know the rules.” He blows his whistle, “Go!”

            I jump out of my tree and hit the ground running. I sprint to the middle of the field and tackle the first person I see, I pin them as quickly as possible focusing all my anger on the fight. I run back into the woods.

            I repeat the process, climb, jump, run, and pin. I’m going full out, trying to get all my frustration, sadness, and anger out. Desperately trying to focus on something other than Damon and I.

            I go through so many people, I almost loose track, and I’m at forty or so. I have a feeling Jason will blow the whistle soon, this game has been going on for a while now, or it’s just that I’ve wrestled so many people. I’m not even having fun it’s just boring; usually I’m full of joy playing, but not now. I’m trying to take out my feelings another way and it’s just not working.

            Ten rounds later, Jason blows his whistle.

            We all line up, while he goes through the teams. He goes through the girls first, slowly moving down to me who was last.

            “Total?” He asks.

            “Fifty.” I reply. Gasps go up around the crowd; I don’t think I’ve ever done that well before. The game did go on longer than usual but it was still a lot.

            Jason starts going down the guys line, I don’t pay attention for most of it. That must be most of them.

            I start to tune back in.

            “Your total?” Jason asks.

            “Fifty.” The voice responds, the voice I would know anywhere. We just had to have the same total today, didn’t we? The one day we weren’t on good days. I move my head up to look at the person.

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