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After the hug with Damon, I just let into the exhaustion that was waiting for me. I slept. I slept for days. It’s almost as if my body and mind just needed some time to get to the same place.

            The Council has been waiting until everyone who was directly involved with what happened in Gabriel’s warehouse were well enough mentally and physically before calling for a meeting.

            Today was the day they decided on as everyone was awake and well enough yesterday. As well as all of the Immortals that had come to our aid healed and were able to attend.

            I am sitting downstairs on the couch in my leggings, boots, and dressy-top. I decided not to wear a dress because no one was going to care anyways. I could show up in shorts and a T-shirt and I really don’t think anyone would care. The councils were in too much disarray to carry out its normal dress code.

            Today everything that has happened is to be discussed as well as what needs to be done next.

            I don’t know exactly how I feel today. I’m not sure exactly how I feel about the meeting and I’m not sure how it will change things. I think it will be nice to have all the information laid out on the table to know exactly what’s going on in all areas but I don’t know if I want to stay involved in this. It’s like I want this to be over and just to be told everything is going to be fine and everything is perfect.

            I also think that I’ve had too much time with my thoughts; especially right now right before Council seeing as I’m the only one ready and am sitting all by myself. I’m over analyzing everything and flipping through all the “what ifs” my brain can possible come up with.

            That’s when there’s a knock on the front door. I get up off the couch and go to open it, happy to have the distraction. I open it and see Damon.

            “Why did you knock? You never knock,” I say, “you simply walk in like you own the place.”

            “I thought that the least amount of surprises we have today the better,” he says.

            “Very true, that also goes for most parts of life,” I say.

            “Except for the good surprises, the ones that leave you feeling better,” he adds.

            I smile at him, “Come on in, no one else is ready yet.”

            Damon walks in and settles down on the couch and I do the same.

            “Let’s not talk about what we think is going to happen today,” I say.

            “I was thinking the same thing, what happens is going to happen and it’s best not to over think things,” he says.

            “Very well put,” I grin. “When did you get wiser?”

            “I don’t know, maybe it’s just been hidden behind my sarcasm all these years,” he suggests.

            I grin and push him playfully. I hear movement upstairs and soon the girls are joining the two of us. The girls all look very nice but like me, none of them really dressed up for the occasion, neither did Damon now that I think of it. They all look considerably better than they did yesterday or the day before yesterday even Skylar looks a lot better. It makes me feel a lot better because she was pretty upset afterwards even if she hid the bulk of it pretty well.

The ImmortalsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora