Chapter Two: The Other Five

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The day of Vampire Council has finally arrived. It’s a formal event so everyone has to get all dolled-up just to watch the vampires strut into our territory-at least we have the satisfaction of knowing they had to haul their sorry asses to our home town. See, we live in Canada but not anywhere near any cities which have airports, train stations, or bus stations, so they can only make it so far by those modes of transportations. Even though most of us can pass for human we prefer to live off the map with our own kind.

As I mentioned earlier, we have to look our best so we can watch the vampires walk in like they own the freaking place, even if you weren’t sitting in on council you had to get dressed up. I wouldn’t if we weren’t sitting in on council but I was, all six of us were, so I obliged and got ready.

“Are you in your dress yet?” Tiffany asked. Shit! I completely forgot to get dressed.

“Just wait a minute.” I called back to her.

“I’ll take that as a no.” She said. I ignored her and focused on putting on my dark blue dress. It was the same color as my eyes today. They change color, kind of like Damon’s, from light blue to dark blue, sometimes they even go turquoise which I think is very cool.

“Okay. I’m decent.” I said back to her after I was dressed. Tiffany walked in looking as gorgeous as ever, in a beautiful purple dress that matched her eyes perfectly. Tiffany has a large quantity of witch blood running in her veins. Most witches have purple, or as they prefer violet irises, so Tiffany has purple eyes just like all the women in her family. Also, she has her blond hair in an elaborate braid. How she manages to do her hair, all by herself, and make it look that good, is beyond me.

“Oh, Dri. You look great.” She gushed.

“I do not I look the same but in a dress. You’re the one that looks great especially your hair.”

“You want me to do yours?”


Tiffany always thinks everyone looks great but I’ve been told that even by Immortal standards I’m beautiful, (Damon’s also, very attractive by Immortal standards, must be the blood mixture running through his veins.) I have brownish-blondish hair that falls down in layered waves almost to my hips. People say it shines in the sunlight like spun gold. Please, this isn’t some Disney fairy tale my hair looks completely normal, nothing above average. I also, have long legs, I’m skinny and have clear skin, courtesy of my Immortal genes.

“Done.” Tiffany said. She had just added a little more style to it. The way I liked it nothing to elaborate.

“Thanks.” I told her, as Leda walked in.

“Damn. I have to admit you to look great in those dresses. You’re definitely going to turn some heads.” Leda said.

“Thanks.” I said, then adding. “Like you actually mean that.”

“She does.” Tiffany chimed in.

“Really, Leda?” I asked.

“Yeah.” She answered.

“She’s right you guys look great.” Maya said.

“Yup, those vamps better watch out they may be compelled to worship you, if they’re not careful.” Skylar stated as she entered my room.

“Hahaha. Very funny.” I retorted. “You guys look great too.”

Skylar has straight dark brown hair and unbelievable golden eyes and she was wearing a gold dress to match them that fell right to her knees.

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