Chapter Twenty-Two: The Chase Begins

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Chapter Twenty-Two

I go up into my room and grab anything of extreme importance. I stuff some extra clothes into a back pack along with plenty of cash and a credit card that couldn’t be tracked. I had a feeling that while moving on foot would work well is that we’d have to have another mode of transportation at some point. Maybe we wouldn’t but it always helps to come prepared.

            I put some other various items into my bag. I put the picture of my parents into one of the pockets and slip a necklace that Damon got for me last summer around my neck. I slip two daggers into the side of my bag. We’re not taught to train with them, not yet anyways, but I decided to train myself and they’re handy to have around. Hand to hand combat doesn’t always work no matter how skilled you are at it.

            I put anything else I may need into the bag. Not much more fills it. I really don’t even need what I have right now none of it is truly necessary it’s not needed but I take it anyways.

            I head downstairs to see no one else is ready so I slip out the door and over to Damon’s house. I stroll right into his house, through the open door. I skirt around the smashed furniture and glass. I walk over to his bookshelf and pull out one of the older books there; I open it to page two hundred and fifty-six and pull out the prophecy. I put it into my back pack and head upstairs.

            Damon’s room has always been an interesting place. It had been remade after his parents’ death with many compartments for hidden things. I move one of his floorboards and reach down to pull out Damon’s matching jeweled daggers. The rubies on them flash as I pull them up out of the crevice. I slip them into my bag before checking around the room.

            Anything else hidden here wasn’t of use to me; they were too bulky and noticeable. The daggers were small and easy to carry without anyone noticing I had them. Damon’s other toys didn’t have the same density.

            I open his nightstand cabinet to find a picture of Damon and I smiling, standing side-by-side. I smile at it and also put it into my back pack below it I find the ring that I had given Damon. He usually wears it. I frown but slip it into the pocket of my back pack.

            I glance around the room one more time. Nothing catches my eye. I came over to get the daggers that what was important to me. They have always meant a lot to Damon as well we both had the matching pair of each other’s we also learnt how to use them together. So we were also a great team in that aspect as well as well they were the first thing that was presented to us once we learned of the prophecy, they were basically just another thing that tied us together. Making our lives even more intertwined.

            I leave Damon’s house not looking at the wreckage caused just minutes before. I quickly make my way back to the house before I can slip inside I hear a voice.

            “Dri what are you doing?” I spin around to see Felix.

            “Oh, I just had to go over and get something that wasn’t at the house,” I say. I study Felix, “Are you okay?”

            “Yeah I’m fine. Why wouldn’t I be?” he asks me.

            “Skylar was taken as well,” I remind him. Felix looks away for a moment; possibly hoping that I would leave it alone and not say anything more about it. “We’ll talk about it later.”

            Felix grimaces but gestures for me to enter the house.

            I slip inside with Felix following after me; we soon sit down to wait for the others. When they don’t come down with in five minutes I turn to Felix.

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