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Kirstie POV

I physically ran out the classroom as fast as I could. My heels clicked hard, echoing in the hallway of the building. My heart was racing, although I was steadily pacing. I hugged my bag close to my chest as my tears streamed down my cheeks. I pause for a moment, adjusting my blue flannel ripped shirt, that clearly showed my bra. I sighed. I knew it was no use. They'd already seen me. Telling by the picture which was clearly not photoshopped.

"Kirstie, wait!" Mitch yelled. I could hear him coming close behind. I breathed deeply, squeezing my eyes shut. Please, please be just a dream. I though. I was going strong for a while, why now? The first day of school?? I should've moved out of state. I just... I trailed off, my attention caught by Mitch who stood in front of me.

"What was that all about? That wasn't real, they just playing around right?" He smiled sadly, caressing my cheek. I looked down at my feet. "Their probably jealous little turds." His voice softened telling by my expression.

I wasn't ready to say anything, to tell anyone. I wanted to keep that behind closed doors. But one clearly cracked open. Who ever took that picture must've...probably been stalking me. Although Mitch is my dear friend, I wasn't ready to let this spill.

"Yea, probably. But that," I began, as I sniffed. "That really hurt. They probably have just really good photoshopping skills." He raised a full eyebrow, trying to take in my expression.

"What?" I say, with a smirk.

"Stop that. Tell me whatever it is." He says, dropping his hand from my cheek, which was now on his hip. Oh sassy Grassi, you never gonna get this out of me.

"It?" I say, forming quotation marks with my fingers. "What's 'it'?"

He sighed, dropping his hand by his side. "Never mind."

He looks at my shirt, examining the blue flannel. He looks down at my jeans, closely at the ripped parts. He pinched the fabric, making smiling at it. He then circles around me, his shoes, not clicking at much as mine did.

"Nice. Where'd ya get them from? Covet?" Mitch smiled brightly. Oh no no no. Please don't ask where I got the clothes. Could this day, get any worse?

"Ahh. No, I don't--I don't really remember. You know cause I have all these clothes and things. So. Yea." I say, with a forced smile on my face, trying to hide the guilt.

"Oh alright." He skips back to the class, happily.

Although I really don't want Scott and Mitch to know. It makes me sad about how oblivious they are to my behavior, and way of look and style. They've been like this since it started. Jeremy would murder if anyone every knew about our-- well my whole situation that's been going on.


"Now, go. I don't wanna see you back home till.. Around 5 am?" Jeremy says, as he spins around in the desk chair like a big child.

"But, I have classes tomorrow. Didn't you forget?" I talk back mistakenly. "Why don't you go use some other girl. We are done!! Do you understand me?!" I yell in his face, leaning over at him in the chair.

"Ha, someone grew balls. But that's not what they want. What they want is some action. My clients don't pay for one of my workers to be late," he says, grabbing my the collar of the large shirt I was wearing, which was clearly a men's shirt. "I need the full pay, Kirstie. And I will put you six feet under if I don't get full priced."

My eyes began to water, as he was extremely close to my face. He snarled, pushing me off of him and against the wall. I slid down as my back was now against the wall, curling up in a small, what I thought was protective, ball.

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