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I picked up my pace a bit as I got closer and closer to exiting the building which I hope felt the same way about how glad I was to lead the clustered building. When the sun hit me, I sighed in relief, slowing down my pace completely.

The heat felt good, mostly because it was so goddamn cold in that building it is ridiculous. Well could be what I was wearing but you never know.

It also felt like freedom. God, why am I cheesy?? I was also crammed somewhere somehow in my house.

I walked over to a small table, sitting down, putting my head on the table. I closed my eyes, and relaxed my muscles from being so tense all day.

I slowly drifted into a  light nap. A bit too light for my liking. I always slept light, because I was never comfortable.

I felt a tap on my shoulder. I jolted up, turning around completely with my eyes bulging wide. "Oh," I said, relaxing a bit after I discover it was just noodle Scott towering over me.

"What exactly are you doing here?" He said, gesturing around the table. I looked back it, and stood up, wiping the front of my pants off.

"Just, I didn't want to go back into the school." I said, as I walked in front of him, swinging my bag over my shoulder. "I'll see you later, Scott."

"Wait, what's the attitude for?" He asked stepping in front of me, I huffed in defeat. I looked up at him and he raised his blonde, transparent looking eyebrows. "Well?"

"Just ask Mitch about it. This day didn't go as planned. At all." I said, almost to myself. He tried to speak again but I shushed him. "Just ask Mitch."


I walked impatiently along the poorly paved side walk. My heels clicked hard against it as I rush to get home.

I was a bit late. That's a problem.

Usually, I'd be home around 5. But, I decided to go the grocery store to buy some drinks for our aparment. But someone decided to pick pocket me so I have no money what so ever. And I was in the grocery store which is miles from where Jeremy and I live.

It was probably about 8 now, telling by the darkened sky with stripes of blue around the setting sun in the distance.

I was non stop walking as fast as I could in these high ass heels and that wasn't very fast.

I was bound to get "punished" as Jeremy called it, because usually no matter what. and when I tell him why I was late, never once has he believed a word I said.

As it gets darker and darker, it pf course gets harder to see. Nah, dipshit, Kirstin.

I stop walking for a second as soon as I see a small, newly built bench. I collapsed myself on it, sighing in relief. Taking off my shoe, I start to massage my foot freely. So lady like.

After I finish my other foor, I quickly slip on my shoes, a bit too fast because I break my nail while pulling up the zipper.

"Ouch," I mutter under my breath, still struggling to pull it up.

I quickly stand up, which pushes my foot in. Should've thought of that sooner.

Although no one is around, I fix my hair the best I could without a mirror.

Wait, someone is always around.

I glance around, trying to identify my surroundings.

I can't.

"Where the heck am I??" I ask myself walking in the same direction before.

I notice houses. Problem is there's rarely houses around where I live, NOR are they this big.

My adrenaline and worry getting the best of me, I start to run, not as cautious as I should be.

I stumble, clumsily like a ragdoll I fall to the ground, landing on my but. My ankle is now throbbing with unbearable pain.

"Oh god," I groan in pain, trying to jump back on my feet.

I hop on one foot, lifting the other from the group.

I fall over again, just because I forgot how bad my equilibrium is already.

I sat there, on the sidewalk for a moment, now trying to figure out a way to get home from here.

Very little cars pasted through here, their lights shining directly on me. I squinted, of course because it is a human instinct.

But one car decided to slow down in front of me, respectfully not having the bright beam on.

The car wasn't familiar, but it was a nice black Jaguar.

I tried to stand up, to wave them off to let them know I didn't need a ride. But they just stood there.

I surprisingly and successful hopped over to the passenger window and knocked on it. It had a dark tint to it, although I still tried to peek into the expensive vehicle.

The window slowly rolled down, revealing black leather seats. I scoffed silently to myself until I see people. Certain people.

I gasp, backing away from the car, as far as I could with one foot. Falling again.

"Jock." I grunt as he opens the door to his car. He walks over to me and kneels down, trying to help me up but I slap his had away.

"What the- what was that for?" He whined rubbing his hand.

"I don't need help." I lied as I stood up again on one leg.

"My name is Avi for last time!" He whined again. "And why are you walking like that."

"No reason, bye Avi." I say walking away but he scoops me up in his arms. I screech in uncomfort.

"Put me DOWN!" I screamed trying to wiggle from his grip. Avi wrapped his hand around my ankle, pressing it gently but I hiss in pain.

"STOP OW!" I say hitting him on his chest, which didn't phase him.

"THIS IS KIDNAP JOCK!" I yelles as he placed me in the back seat of his car. I tensed up at I realized how expensive this must've been and how I'm sitting in it.

"Your ankle is fine, just needs some ice." Avi muttered as he put the car in drive. "Where's your house?"

"I don't know.." I trailed off. He has an off switch for the douche Jock???

He can be kind? Mind =Expolsion.

"What do you mean you don't know where you house is... you live there." He commented, I rolled my eyes.

"From here, this area." He looked up into the rear view mirror up at me.

Shivers go down my spine as he looked at me. "Oh well, you can stay at my place." He says putting his eyes back on the road.

I get nervous. Jeremy is going to somehow find out about this. He has his ways. Always.


I'm updating right now. I wanted to make this longer but, eh. Try a double?!

Goodd?! Okay.

Peace and Harmony ~ A

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