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The sky was almost dark, as I had almost reached my destination. My chest rose up and down rapidly, not only was I tried, but it was freezing, although it is still technically summer weather.

Why does it have to be cold at night? Like it makes no sense. It was burning up earlier.

I pull my large suitcase, using all my effort.

I was going to where I got lost last night. The newly built bench on the curb of road.

I saw it from a far, and I wonder how I even got lost. Probably if I could've drove, only about 20 minutes. But since I'm walking, dragging a packed suitcase, 45.

I was shivering, and my feet were hurting. The bench was only a few feet away, but I don't think I could make it.

It almost felt as if I were walking up hill, I struggled keeping my balance. Falling back was a possibility. My arms ache too, so that's just a bonus.

After about 40 more steps I reach the bench. I collapsed on it once again. It's completely dark. I can't see anything. You'd think that the street with the biggest houses in the area would have some damn street lights.


My suitcase stood up straight, on the small patch of concrete that was placed down under the bench. It wasn't very even, which ment I had to hold it.

I knew I was going to be here a while.


Probably been about two hours. I'm laying on the bench, trying to get myself comfortable to go to sleep.

But then I hear the screech of a tire. And a door open. Then running feet.

"Kirstie?! What the fuck??" The hollow voice called. He walked up to me.

He started to lightly shake my body. I grabbed his hand, which startled him.

"Hey," I said rather causal, special for the situation I'm in. He looked at me wide eyed.

"What are you doing?" He said looking around, probably at my large suitcase. "What happened??"

I looked at him, finally sitting up. I scratched my head. "Me and my boyfriend kinda got into an argument and.. I don't want to tell you everything."

He looked at my concerned. "The suitcase?" I sighed, reaching over and grabbing it. He looked down at me.

"I uh, I removed myself from his presence. Took me about.." I looked at my wrist, pretending as if I had a watch on. "Maybe an hour. But I have no idea how long I've been here. What time is it?"

"It's 10 pm-- wait where did you expect to go? Just stay here on the side of the road?" He asked curiosly. I shrugged.

"Give that to me," he said, reffering to the suitcase. When I lifted it, it felt like a ton but as Avi did, it look like it weighed nothing.

He walked away and set it beside his car. He walked back up to me, as I awkwardly stood in front of the bench.

We stood just inches away from each other. I was getting tingly feeling. Weird.

"You don't mind staying with me, do you?" He asked, whispering.

"No, I guess.." I said hesitantly before following him into his car. My feet were kinda warn out, you could tell though I wasn't limping.

I jumped in the car and quickly buckled up my seatbelt, waiting for him to put my suitcase in the back.

He jumped in, putting the car in drive and we headed to his place.

The Heartless and Broken (Kavi/PTX fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now