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"I told you Avi. I don't know if I do."

"You do," he claimed.

I didn't want him to say that because honestly-- I didn't know and couldn't have known. I love my mom, but I don't remember that feeling. I left her.

"Don't say that," He turns as the light turns green and cruises down his sub division. I hear thunder crashing from far away as the sky lit up for only a few milliseconds.

"Why not." He says pulling into his drive way. He put the car in park, and got out, automatically getting soaking wet from the rain. He went to my side and opened the door, picking me up without warning.

I hate when he does that, but I sort of like it.

"Oh come on!" I shout at him as he holds me bridal style, closing the door carefully with his foot. He puts his jacket over my body.

"I'm not hurt or anything, I promise."

"I know."

He then somehow impossible opens the door while still holding me. He throws the jacket from on top of me and leaves it out to dry on a jacket rack that I've never noticed.

He puts me down and goes to sit on the couch. Avi's soaking wet, but he doesn't really care it seems. He's cold too, but he doesn't care.

I walk over slowly, and sit beside him. To just look at him from up close. I really like looking at him. But he looks exhausted and all he did was drive. This is my fault. He probably wouldn't be exhausted and soaking wet if it wasn't for me. He'd probably be recovering so much easier if it wasn't for.. me. But then again the incident did happen a few years ago.

"Why do you look at me like that." He asks, without looking at me, but rather at the pitch black screen of the tv in the living room.

I start to unbutton his shirt, which is now so unnaturally heavy due to the dampness. "Don't know. You need to get out of these clothes before you get sick."

He lets me pull of his shirt and I set it on the rack. He sighs. I put my hand on his chest--he's freezing cold. He then sends his cold hand through my hair, and touches my face, I shiver and shut my eyes.

"So do you." He says, picking me up--again for no reason when I can just walk myself.

I feel like at this moment we forgotten all about Jeremy chasing me. It's just me and him. Kirstie and Avi.

"You like picking me up, huh?"

"Youre insanely light, Kit." He carries me to his bedroom and sets me down on his bed and reaches for the button of my pants. I smile and grab his hands before he can go any further.

"So we're just gonna ignore that I was getting chased by my ex now?" I giggle as he kissed my neck.

He raises his eyebrows. "I mean he doesn't know where I live at the moment. Well as far as know."

"But what if he does?" I question and he shakes his head. He quickly unbuckled his pants.

"No way, my sister knew not to bring him here." He pulled off my pants and threw them across the room. I laugh.

"You're so weird. How could you be in the mood at a time like this?" He sits me up on the bed gets on his knees and kisses me. Not like some weak little good-bye honey off to work kiss, not even like the first time we ever did. It was more, powerful than that. Might've been just me. I've never been kissed like this. Hell if I was, I wouldn't be explaining it like this. I put my hands on his back, his energy overpowering mine.

And then he pulled away. Avi looked at me, and searched for some type of expression on my face. His eyes softened and stood up.

"I'm sorry," were the first words to come out of his mouth. He looks at me, but I stay silent. He furrowed his eyebrows and sat down beside me on the bed. He quietly clasp his hands together and looks at me.

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