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Either he went down on me too good or the thought of him knowing who Jeremy was, I couldn't sleep. I was restless just staring at him or the ceiling half of the night. Well, early morning.

I hate how long it seems when you stay up, I've never felt so lonely. Like I'm the only one awake in the world..

But enough of the "deep" stuff. I wanted to find how the hell the two of them know each other. I mean, by looking at them both, it's possible. Not saying certain people hang out with certain people who look a specific way but, uh, personality wise?

I could see that pretty well. But now that I've seen a different side Avi, well I'm confused on what must've happened.

The usual morning routine, going on about in the early morning. Starting from me struggling to wake up, to Avi making us a little something to eat before we left. Always a delight.

As we got in the car, he paused in the middle of a very giggle conversation. It's like something had went through his mind.

"Mind if I ask you a question?" He looks over at me once, then placing his sight back on the road.

"Uh, sure I guess." I replied.

"Did Jeremy ever mistreat you? In way, shape or form." He asked cautiously.

Yes. Could've been a quick simple answer, but my mind's telling I should explain from beginning to end. Was there any time? Not really but... wait a second.

He says he would already know if I was in problems, more problems than even I would know. So why is he asking me something he supposedly already knew?

I turned to him. "Is that trick question? 'Cause wouldn't you already know what's happening?"

He shook his head lightly, stopping the car for the oncoming red light.

"What do you mean?? You just told me 'yesterday' that you knew I'd be in problems more than I'd think. Why are you saying stuff that don't add up? Are you trying to confuse me?" Furrowing my eyebrows looking at him as he waited patiently for the light not looking at me.

"Avi!" I raised my voice still looking at him straight at the side of his face.

"Why are you the one asking me all the questions?" He said, with attitude.

"Because, fuck Avi. I'm obviously confused." I respond, my voice still at the same volume as before.

"You shouldn't be.." he trailed off, as the light turned green. I scoffed.

"Are you kidding me right now? Do you not remember what happened?"

"Very clearly." He smirked, turning into school.

He thought it was a joke but I just got highly offended by what he ment. I groaned. "Stop the car."

Avi's smile quickly dropped at my tone, which had changed just a bit. "What?"

"You heard me very clearly, sir. Stop the car." I said not looking at him. From the corner of my eye though I could see his expression change.

Still cruising about the parking lot, looking at me and in front of him at the same time, he smirked at me.

"Avriel I'm not kidding." I say now looking at him. He stops on the side and looks at me.

Looks like I trigged someone.

"Fine," he rolled his eyes, finally giving up. "Can you not call me that again?" He says as I step my way out of the car.

"Not promised." I say closing the door and walking inside the large, more like oversized building.

Walking along the hallways I get stopped by a blonde skyscraper. Standing literally right in my way.

"Hey Scott." I say with a small smile. He simply frowns at me. "What's wrong?"

Right after that he swallowed me into a hug starting to cry which wasn't exactly muffled. Obviously he didn't care though.

"Mitch broke his wrist." He said pausing before continuing to weep. I gasp, pulling away. "Are you serious??"

He nods before pointing behind me, causing me turn around at an incredible speed, causing me to get slapped.

"Ow!" I pretty much screamed, because I didn't even get slapped I realized it was Mitch's cast, quick he had help a certain way to hit me as soon as turned around.

Mitch and Scott giggled, but I was flustered with frustration. I looked at the both with a slightly pale face and they stopped. "We're sorry," was their automatic response, in unison of course.

"Why though?" I asked desperate for answers from the both of them.

"We didn't mean that to hurt, didn't realize you were gonna turn your head so quickly. Pretty much we just wanted to see if you still care about us." Mitch looked at me, lightly swinging back and forth.

"What!? Are you crazy? Or course I do!" I put my hand on my chest taken back what their assumption was. "I love you too."

"Sure weren't showing it. Where were you this weekend? Hm? With Jeremy?" Scott guessed.

Mitch biting his lip, he sighed. "Damn that Jeremy. Honestly I wouldn't blame her Scott."

I giggled for a short moment before Scott looked at me with a dead expression. "So, you were with him?"

"No--wait I mean yes I was." I smile, trying to hide the fact that I obviously slipped up.

"No?" Mitch says suspiciously. I squinted he looks over me, a bit more than slightly. "Don't lie."

"I..." I stutter nervously as Scott looks at me as well, waiting for an explanation.

I slowly start to back away, but Mitch caught me.

"Fine," I give up. I look around to see no one unusually close to the three of us. "Me and him broke up.. but I'm seeing someone new. That's where I've been."

Mitch and Scott gasp in surprise one after. As if on queue, Avi and Kevin, always together stroll behind them both from a distance.

Noticing my stare, he smiles and winks. Then continues back to his conversation. Still keeping my eyes on him and ignoring the two in front of me, I crack a smirk.

"Oh my god? Avi?" Scott says with a smile, looking at me.

"I didn't say--"

"Why him?" Mitch whines, rolling his eyes. "That's a bad choice. More like stupid." He sucks his teeth annoyed suddenly. He pulls out his phone then starting to type. "I've got to go to class."

He turns around, bumping shoulders with Scott and starts walking away. Scott, clearly appalled.

"Wow. I wonder what's with him." He comments looking as him as he disappears around the corner. "Idk, I'll find out about that later. Y'all are so cute! But what happened between you and Jeremy?"

"It's complicated."



This was always meant to be a short story. Which means also this is going to be ending a few chapters. You may be wondering... how?

Probably not; but I'm planning a twist.

Also those chapters may be super lengthy, hope you like long chapters!

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Love you and thanks for reading!!!

Peace and Harmony ~ Nyah

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