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**i've changed the main characters name to Karina :)

There will be sexual content in the story and swearing. We can handle that though, right?

This story will get confusing, so hold on tight.

I also decided this would be realistic fiction. I learned about that in English last year and I was fascinated with it. Basically, it's trying to make the story sound as realistic as it can, having in mind that the whole story is still fake. I can get as bizarre as I can with this story without going all mystical, because everything I'll put in here could happen. I'm bad at explaining, just google realistic fiction :P

The main girl is Hispanic. A beautiful fairly tanned skin girl with brown hair and brown eyes. Originated from Mexico brought to America and is now legal. Because if she wasn't...she betta run..

Her name is Karina De La Paz. Super duper Mexican, but then again, my middle name is Maria. My whole name is super Mexican. I still love it. (I am Mexican btw lol)

Please protect my little Karii and keep her safe. I'll smack y'all if you talk shit. Kari is my baby.

So, get ready for this roller coaster guys. It's coming real soon.


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