5. The Call Home

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Karina and Ashton have been non-stop texting ever since. Karina was still positive their relationship was completely ruined, but neither of them wanted to speak on it, so they continued to be in love.

Eventually, Karina started sleeping alone. After two days of having Michael sleepover and cuddling her until she passed out, she figured she should fess up and just deal with sleeping alone. So for the rest of the week, she slept on an empty bed.

You still love me right?

Ashton asked once again. He'd ask twice every day, in the morning and before they go to bed. He felt like a poor lovesick puppy. He missed the feeling of her in his arms, he missed her sweet kisses, he missed hearing her American accent when she spoke, and most importantly, he missed being cursed out in Spanish. Ashton would tease and mess with Karina so much, that Karina would bust out with as many Spanish curse words as she could. Then Ashton would giggle, whisper te amo and Karina would fall in love all over again. She loved hearing him attempt Spanish.

Of course.

Karina replied every single time with the obvious answer. She would never stop loving Ashton. Truth is, you never ever stop loving your exes. You will always carry that teensy weensy little bit of love for them in your heart. Although for Karina, it wasn't teensy weensy just yet.

I fûcking miss you baby girl.

Karina always adored the pet names. He usually called her baby girl, babe, baby, princess, darling and her heart would flutter every single time.

I miss you more, baby.

She wanted this to be easy. She wanted to forget Ashton already. But she was still holding onto that last little thread that said, yes! You'll get back together eventually! while the rest of her yelled pathetic.

"That's it." Karina mumbled, grabbing her suitcase and shoving various pieces of her clothing in. She packed everything she brought and slipped on an old pair of white vans. She grabbed one of Michael's snapbacks that she'd manage to steal a long time ago and set it on her head backwards. Karina was going home.

She locked up the hotel room and went down the elevator. There were paparazzi and fans outside of the hotel and she was already dreading to walk outside. She loved having her picture taken and she absolutely adored her fans, but at a time like this, Karina just wanted to run.

Karina set her key on the front desk and called for her security guard. One of the desk workers took her key to the back room and told her he'd call up the guy for her.

I want you with me

I can't stand this

You're the love of my life

Karina gulped and shoved the phone back into her pocket without responding. Her security guard came around and gave her a warm hug.

"Rob, can you book me a flight?" Karina asked, giving him her best pouty face. She was good at the pouty face, she was a beautiful Hispanic woman and her natural pouty lips were a blessing.

Big Rob couldn't resist the look on her face, but he had to protest. Next week was the Teen Choice Awards and there was no way he would make things complicated and book two flights. "Kari, Reflect attends the TCAs next week. Don't over-complicate things."

Karina sighed. "Rob, i just need a little break. I'll even book the flight back. Please, i just can't right now." Her eyes were starting to well up with tears, but Big Rob only shook his head no.

Karina took herself back to her room and dramatically flopped down on her bed, replying to Ashton's text with hot tears down her cheeks.

I don't think I can be the "love of your life" anymore, Ash. I think this might be the end of us.

Karina felt her heart breaking. She put her phone back in her pocket and bit her lip. She didn't want to have a break up like this. But this relationship was doomed.

Ashton curled up into a little ball after he read Karina's text. She's seriously going to give up on us? Ashton thought, grabbing his phone and throwing it against the wall. Boy was Ashton furious.

Karina was everything to him. She was the whole package. His family absolutely adored her. Karina and Lauren were practically best friends, and his mom treated Karina as her daughter in law. She even played around with Harry and their dog Indie. Karina was one of a kind and he never wanted to let her go. Damn, he was already fascinated with the thought of having a future with her. And then this happens.

Ashton slowly dragged himself out of bed and crawled to his phone. With teary eyes and tear stained cheeks, he dialed his moms phone number.

"Hello?" His mom picked up on the second ring. It was morning in Australia and Ashton immediately felt bad for calling.

"Mum," He choked out, missing his mother and his ex girlfriend dearly.

"Ashton, babe, you don't sound alright today. What's happening?" Usually when Ashton called he was the happiest man on earth. He was chirpy and giggly and he'd crack a joke right when his mom would pick up the phone.

"The label made Karina and I break up." Ashton mumbled, biting down on his thumb to keep the sobs back. He wanted to be able to explain everything thoroughly.

"What?!" He immediately heard Lauren squeal. He was on speaker, as he always was when he called home.

Ashton sighed. "They're making us pull a publicity stunt and I have to date some model," he paused to hiccup. "and they made Kari and I break up so we wouldn't be hurting each other. But I'm so hurt mum, I'm so freaking hurt."

"That's ridiculous!" His mom exclaimed, sounding frustrated herself. Karina was such a bundle of joy, she couldn't believe she wouldn't be able to call her, her daughter in law while in public anymore. Usually when the women around their neighborhood would ask about Ashton she would always bring up his incredible girlfriend and she would beam about how lucky his son got and how lucky she felt for having such a caring and overall amazing daughter in law. "Ashton, sweetie, never let Karina slip from you. You've got something incredibly special, and I'll personally slap you upside the head if you let her go. You hear me? Why didn't you make her my daughter in law?" She scolded.

Ashton chuckled while drying off some tears. "I was planning on it mum." He admitted, hearing his mom and sister squeal. "I was going to ask her dad the next time we were in her city, but it was stupid to wait that long." He hit his head on the wall behind him on purpose, immediately sighing. "I could've secretly flown down there or even asked him through the phone and we'd be engaged right now and the label would've chosen Michael, or Cal, or Luke for this and not me, not us."

Lauren sighed on the other side of the phone. She truly liked Karina. She was fun and was like the big sister she always wanted. They'd go out shopping or go do crazy things that Ashton wouldn't ever let them do. Karina even helped her through bullying and depression when she wouldn't speak to Ashton because he was a boy. "At least stay friends, Ash," she said. "Karina is one of a kind, and having her as a friend is the exact same blessing as having her as a girlfriend."

Ashton laughed. "Having her as a girlfriend was ten times more than just a blessing."

"Ash baby, just keep your head up and hopes leveled. You guys can do this." His mom said, feeling her heart sadden at the thought of her son having such a hard time.

"Yes mummy. I love you guys."

"We love you just as much, and Karina does too."


Damn I need to stop making kashton cute they're not gonna last lol


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