8. The Official Breakup

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Karina was now allowed to be seen around the 5sos boys.

It was the beginning of month two, and the texting between Ashton and Karina had completely stopped. Karina woke up one day without a good morning text, she texted him a good morning instead, he replied back with one, then it stopped. Nothing else came in for the next five days.

Karina knocked on Michael's hotel room, doing the same exact beat Anna did when she knocked on her sister Elsa's door. "Do you wanna build a snowman?" Karina sang. She was in a good mood that day. She was approved to be able to get a rental car, so she decided to have a day out with Michael and Dakota. She rented out a Jeep, the ones with the top down. It was a nice windy summer day, shockingly, and she got up at nine in the morning and had pancakes with Nutella that Luciana had made. Karina was just happy. Dakota stepped up to the door and smiled. "Come on let's go and play." She continued for Karina.

"We used to be best buddies, and now we're not." Karina continued. "I wish you would tell me why!" Dakota sang. "Do you wanna build a snowman?" They both said, sadly. "It doesn't have to be a-"

"What are you doing?" Ashton asked, swinging the door open, a tired expression on his face. Karina's heart started beating faster and she swallowed her saliva before answering with a question. "Where's Mikey?" She asked, stepping into the hotel room. Ashton was shirtless and his sweatpants were hanging so low on his hips, Karina just had to swallow before she began to drool everywhere. "And i thought you had separate rooms." Dakota said, walking behind Karina.

Ashton shrugged. "No, Michael and I, Luke and Calum. Michael's in bed." Ashton answered, running a hand through his hair. And it hurt Karina so much that he didn't seem at all that phased by her being here. He seemed so casual, a little mad maybe because they obviously woke him up. But any time Karina woke him up, he was the happiest person in the world. But that's not how it worked anymore.

"Okay." Karina dryly answered, making her way to Michael's room with Dakota following.

Ashton tried not to stare at her. He was confused by how exceptionally happy she looked this morning, but nevertheless, he smiled knowing she was okay.

Michael's room was dark, so Karina and Dakota tip toed in quietly. Michael was laying on his side, sleeping soundly until Karina laid down next to him and stared at him. She poked his nose, then his cheek, and then shook his shoulder. "Mikey," She whispered. "you were supposed to be awake already." Karina hummed, rolling her eyes. They had this whole day planned out since yesterday. They would go out for some frozen yogurt, go shopping, eat, then go ride bikes at the beach when it started to get dark.

Michael groaned, opening one eye. Dakota laid down on his other side and started poking his back. "Good morning, àssholes." He mumbled, stretching his arms out and sighing. He scooted closer to Karina and pulled her to his chest. "How you feeling?" He asked, rubbing her back. Michael was still trying to make sure Karina wasn't upset, because it seemed like Ashton was looking just fine and he knew that would get into Karina's head and sadden her.

"Good. Now get up, hun, it's go time!" She cheered, rolling off the bed and falling on the floor on purpose. Dakota did they exact same and they left the room, going into the kitchen and waiting for Michael.

Karina and Dakota sat on top of the counter, scrolling through their phones and reading funny tweets out loud. "Look at this one," Karina giggled, bumping shoulders with Dakota and showing her something on her timeline.

Ashton suddenly walked in, now with a shirt on, freezing a little when he noticed the two girls in the room. He tried to act casual as he went to pour himself a cup of coffee. The kitchen got super quiet and awkward, until Ashton spoke up. He took a deep breath and sipped his coffee.

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