14. The Crisis

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Karina arranged for someone out of 5sos' crew to take her rental car back. She handed them the keys, then happily skipped inside of the hotel with a big grin on her face. Maybe leaving this contract was what she needed to finally start moving on.

She climbed onto the elevator and took her phone out, tweeting something shady just to throw everyone in her fandom off. That was probably her favorite thing to do, throw shade. And it wasn't anything petty either, she learned her facts and had backed up her receipts so if anyone calls her out on her shade, she knows exactly how to win.

When the elevator dinged to her floor, she rushed out of it and fast walked to Michael's room. She was excited to tell him all about how she was free from the stupid contract. Not completely, but free enough to where she could finally start getting over Ashton. She pounded her fist on the door and bounced on the balls of her feet, waiting on Michael to swing the door open.

"Karina!" Michael exclaimed, being taken aback for a moment.

"Mikey guess what!" She yelled, walking past him and inside his hotel room.

"What-" Michael said, being cut off by him trying to casually lean on the the wall next to him, but tripping over his damn combat boots. He fell backwards clumsily, landing on the floor with a red face. He used his hands to cover his embarrassment.

Although when Karina burst into uncontrollable laughter, Michael smiled, removing his hands from his face.

Anything to make her happy.

"You know, a friend would help me up." Michael commented, sitting up and fixing his hair.

Karina shrugged. "But im your best friend, i have to laugh first. You're dumb as hell." She laughed, the image of Michael falling over playing over and over again in her head.

Best friend.

Michael's grin faltered and he sighed, getting up to his feet himself. "Aw, sweetie." Karina pouted, feeling bad for not helping Michael up. Little did she know, that wasn't the reason he was upset. She grabbed his face and squished his cheeks, making him pout his lips like a fish. She leaned closer, rubbing their noses together and giggling. "You good." She concluded, slapping one of his cheeks and falling back on the closest couch.

Michael ignored the chills running down his spine and the way his heart felt full when she touched him. She was his best friend, nothing more.

"So guess!" Karina shouted, sitting up quickly with a large smile on her face.


"Too slow!" Karina cut him off, clapping her hands.

"Shut up." Michael whined. "You're too excited and i'm having a crisis." He admitted, slapping his hands against his thighs. She was his crisis. She was being too cute and he was trying to remind himself that they were friends.

Karina rolled her eyes. "Anyway, i'm out of the contract!" She cheered, squealing a bit in excitement. She was honestly so happy and relieved, she felt as if she could finally breathe properly.

"The contract? The contract..." Michael urged her to continue, as he was lost as to what she was talking about.

Karina stood up, stretching her arms out wide. "I'm not longer tied down to that stupid contract with Nina and Ashton. I'm free! This is a sign that i need to move on! And i'm starting as soon as possible!" She bounced around until she felt like she needed to take a breath and threw herself back on the couch. She was full of energy and happiness, it's been weeks since she's felt this way.

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