18. The Slap

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It was another award show Sunday and Karina was anxious. The red carpet was waiting for them and she was once again ignoring the 5sos boys. Deja Vu.

Her hair was wildly curled, her thong was mauling her ass, her pink dress was too tight, and her feet hurt from the deadly heels she was wearing. Also her knuckles began throbbing again. It's kinda fun being a girl.

Michael tried that whole Saturday to get ahold of Karina, but his phone calls were either sent straight to voicemail or she'd turn off her phone. He had no clue why, but he was positive he was going to ask the second he saw her. Something was wrong and he really missed her. He actually ached to kiss her again.

"Karina! This way!" Michael heard the paps shout, immediately whipping his head around to find his best friend.

The first thing he spotted was her big hair. It was definitely filled with hair spray, there was no way that much hair could be that high up. Michael grinned, sending her a wave. Karina just raised her eyebrows and turned around, not wanting to make contact with him.

Karina felt as if she needed some time away from 5sos and their drama. That's how it's been lately, you know, Luke's girlfriend and Nina giving her dirty looks, Ashton arguing with her over nothing, Michael kissing her. It's too much for a nineteen year old girl, she wanted to slow it down, so she'd have to stay away from the guys for a while.

No contact. At all. Until she felt as if she had enough of her little break. She just needs to be drama free for a bit.

After both bands posed for pictures and had their little interviews, they stepped inside the arena and found their seats. Which just so happened to be next to one another.

There was just one thing that was keeping them apart, and that was Luke's girlfriend Danielle. Which is her name, by the way.

Dakota pushed Karina to sit next to Danielle, just because if Danielle said something to Karina, Dakota could bite back, which is something Dakota loved to do. And it was guaranteed Danielle would mumble something under her breath.

Luciana and Jennifer didn't like this idea, but they didn't protest, they didn't feel the need to get too involved.

"Kari," Luke called, trying to greet her.

Karina was talking to the girls, pretending to be in a very important conversation. "Who just called my name?" Karina whispered, closing her eyes and hoping she was just imagining.

"Luke." Luciana answered, shrugging her shoulders.

"Damnit." Karina hissed, sitting up straight and looking to her left, passed Danielle, and glancing at Luke with dull eyes. She was unamused. She grimaced, raising her eyebrows as a greeting.

"How are you?" Michael asked from beside Luke, smiling ear to ear. God, he couldn't believe how beautiful she looked.

Karina only grimaced again, swallowing thickly. She was about to answer him in a monotone, but was interrupted by the presenter calling for everyones attention. She shrugged and faced the front.

Michael and Luke were left a little confused, but they brushed it off.

After a few great performances and many awards won (and Danielle surprisingly keeping her mouth shut), the show was over. The Reflect girls went to talk to the press about their two awards and 5sos patiently waited their turn.

"Is it just me or was Kari ignoring us?" Ashton asked, shoving his hands in his pocket.

"When is she not ignoring you?" Calum joked, shrugging his shoulders.

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