16. The Broken Knuckles

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Disclaimer: aye thanks for the votes on my last chapter. vote and pls comment bc I work pppp hard or you're a don't stop acoustic. p.s. i almost forgot to update today hahaahhaahahfhaukfhdf


Michael and Karina were in a white room, waiting for the doctor to get back with the x-rays he had taken of Karina's hand. They weren't there for long, being a celebrity they took them in quickly, so they weren't getting impatient or anything.

"Do you think Rena likes me?" Karina quietly asked. There wasn't any awkward moments between Michael and Karina just yet, and they were both grateful that they were still acting the exact same. "Or was it one of those in the moment things?"

Michael sighed, putting his phone away and looking up at Karina. He had no idea why she was wondering why Rena kissed her when he just kissed her a few hours prior. What mattered to her most? Him or Rena? "In the moment, probably." He muttered. "I don't think she's like, bisexual or anything." He lied. He thought she was lesbian at first.

Karina nodded. "I want to talk to her. I've been avoiding her." She mentioned, slouching down on the chair. It was just confusing to her. She did feel something when Rena kissed her, but she felt something as well with Michael. And despite how pissed off she is, she still felt something for Ashton. "I want to talk to Ashton, too."

Michael leaned back in his chair, sighing again. All he could think about was the fact that she was talking about two other people that she'd kissed, instead of talking about their kiss. "I think you need closure from Ash." He added, agreeing. That was something he was sure of. If Karina wanted to move on, she would have to talk to Ashton.

"I think I like girls." Karina blurted, turning in her seat to face Michael. He closed his eyes, leaning forward in his chair. "What?" He asked, shaking his head. Did their kiss turn her gay?

Karina shrugged her shoulders, looking down at her slightly bloody knuckles. They had cleaned her up a bit before having her x-ray. "Well after Ashton, I started just window shopping,"

"Like, for clothes?" Michael dumbly asked, scratching his head.

Karina rolled her eyes. "No, dumbass. Like, scoping out boys. Yet I also scoped out some girls." She mumbled under her breath, feeling slightly afraid of admitting this. She knew she could trust Michael, it was just scary to come to a conclusion. "And when I was looking at guys, it didn't feel...right?"

"So, you're lesbian?" Michael asked, his heart thumping in his chest. Oh God, he finally thinks he found a girl to try a relationship with and she's gay.

Karina shook her head. "No, maybe not lesbian. I just watched all the guys and girls around me and I realized that, you know what? Gender shouldn't matter. As long as you have someone to laugh with and someone to love as much as they love you, it should be okay. Right?"

Michael tried not to make his relieved sigh as obvious, luckily going unnoticed by the beauty before him. "I understand. So are you going to put a label on it?" He asked, wondering what sexuality she was going to settle with.

She shrugged her shoulders. "I don't feel comfortable saying that i'm straight anymore. Like, I feel like i'm completely lying to myself every time I tell people that."

Before Michael could say anything, there was a knock on the door. The door slowly squeaked open and in came the doctor.

"Think about it." Michael whispered, giving her an assuring grin. No matter what sexuality she chose, he was still going to love her. As a best friend, or even more.

The doctor pulled out black and white sheets from a large yellow envelope and placed them near a light, examining them thoroughly. She clicked her tongue and motioned for them to come closer.

"Two broken knuckles." The doctor said, pointing her pen where the cracks were clear. "You must have a great left hook. That isn't even your dominant hand, or is it?" She chuckled.

Karina grinned, shaking her head. "You could do some damage with that." The doctor shrugged, taking out her clipboard. "Let's go wrap up this hand and you'll be gone in a jiff. Also, may i recommend anger management?" The doctor added, walking out of the room.

Michael chuckled, wrapping an arm around Karina's waist. "I think so."

Karina rolled her eyes, walking out of the room with red cheeks.

After getting cleaned up thoroughly and wrapping up her hand with the appropriate tools, they were on their way back to the hotel. Michael had to get to soundcheck in an hour and Karina had to tag along, as she wasn't trusted alone anymore.

"What do you think they'll say about my hand?" Karina asked, examining the cast that she wore. It was a simple white cast, wrapped around her hand like a glove, her fingers still free to wiggle around.

Michael shrugged, opening the door to their hotel room. "They'll probably think it's badass." He chuckled.

They stepped into the room and looked around, sighs escaping their lips. They really messed up the room and the hole in the wall really tied in the reckless rockstar look, as Michael will probably take the blame for it.

"So...should we just go ahead and throw the television out the window?" Karina joked, chuckling a bit.

Michael sighed again, running a hand through his hair. The 5sos boys actually didn't have enough money to be able to trash rooms like those old school rock stars used to. They were actually having trouble with their money situation, thanks to their shitty label and management.

Karina actually knew this, which is why she gave him a long, caring, hug. "You don't have to worry about paying anything."

"But it's partially my fault...I encouraged you." He sadly said, slowly wrapping his arms around the small girl. He liked being held by her. He swore he would never be little spoon, but if it came down to her he would gladly place himself into fetal position.

"And I don't care." Karina responded. Even though she was on the same label as 5sos, she had way better management and Guy favorited the Reflect girls over anyone else on his label, which is why they were practically rolling in money whilst 5sos and other artists were still on the struggle. "Take a hot shower or something, I stressed you out, I can tell." Michael was a soft kid, often feeling too much and keeping his heart on his sleeve. He was easy to sadden and anger and stress out, and frankly Karina felt like shít for messing with his emotions while simultaneously, messing up her own. "I'll clean." She said, shoving him into his room and closing the door.

"This is why I love you." Michael said through the door, walking further into his room and picking up his suitcase.

"Yeah, yeah." Karina mumbled, placing her hands on her hips and staring at the mess before her. "Geez, when did I get so violent?" She whispered to herself, getting to work.


you: *votes*
me: :D

I have to pee


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