13. The Last Meeting

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Karina was awaken by Ashton, shaking her shoulder roughly as if it was urgent. Karina knew they had a meeting today, they were in Illinois and there was a Capitol Records building in Chigaco. Although she knew they were probably going to be running late because of her, she stayed put. That was until Ashton hit her in the head with a pillow.

"Fúck off!" She yelled, sitting up. "I felt you the first few times you dumpster, you don't need to hit me son of a bitch!" Karina never went that far with her cursing when Ashton woke her up, but hey, they weren't dating anymore and Karina wasn't fond of him at the moment.

Ashton took a step back from her and sighed. "We have a-"

"Meeting, i know." I huffed.

"Then why didn't you get up?" Ashton asked, throwing the pillow back where he found it.

Karina glared at him. "I have my reasons." She stood up from where she had slept - the passenger seat of the bus - and she walked back where the bunks were. She actually had her own bunk in the bus, unfortunately on the way top.

"And those reasons are?" Ashton pestered, walking right behind her. He wished she wasn't being so salty, but he kind of deserved it.

"Just reasons." Karina scoffed. It wasn't important that they argued over why Karina refused to get up, which is why Karina treated the subject with so little importance. "Ashton, stop being annoying you know i like sleeping in." She said, grabbing her toothbrush and the black backpack she always carried. She stuffed a few clothes in it, knowing she would be able to shower in one of the boys' hotel rooms. Most likely Calum's.

"Just because we're ex's now doesn't mean i can't care. You could've been passed out because of alcohol or you took drugs-"

"You're so fake." Karina seethed, stepping down from the bottom bunk that she used to help her reach her bunk. "And full of shít."

Ashton scoffed as Karina slipped by him, grabbing her arm and tugging her back. "You still worry me, Carrie."

Karina forcefully tugged her arm away from his grip and scowled. "You don't have the right to play around with me anymore. My name is Karina, fuck your Carrie." She huffed, flipping her hair and walking out of the bus. Ashton knew he deserved her anger, but he wished he could go right back to her good side.

Karina went to Calum's hotel room and he allowed her to take a shower. She didn't wash her hair, just to save time.

She dressed herself appropriately, black jeans, white peplum top, white pumps, then she sprayed dry shampoo over her roots and grabbed her phone, leaving to find Ashton and the she-devil Nina. She absolutely disliked both of them now, she even shivered thinking about sitting in another meeting with them.

Before Karina could knock on their door though, Nina swung it open. Nina scoffed and grabbed Ashton's hand, who closed the door behind them and offered Karina a grin. She wasn't taking any of his shít, rolling her eyes and trailing behind them.

Ashton wanted to grip Nina's hand tighter and give her a kiss on the cheek. He had started to like her a lot but he had to be careful around Karina, knowing how fragile she could be. Karina keeps everything low key, so even though it seems like nothing is bothering her, it's killing her on the inside.

They awkwardly stood on the elevator together, Karina scrolling through Twitter and Ashton and Nina trying to keep their middle school crush on the down low. Once they stepped off the elevator, it felt as if they haven't breathed fresh air in years.

"I'm driving." Ashton announced. "Are you coming with, Kari?" He asked, taking a glance at his ex girlfriend. He couldn't deny that she was still beautiful.

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