20. The Gross Couple

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A/N: UPDATE BC HAPPY NEW YEAR???? also not edited. listen let's not talk about the horrible last chapter and move on. comment and vote :))) I like this chapter idk why I find it comforting


Michael took a deep breath and knocked on the hotel door. It's been a couple of days of Karina ignoring him and he was growing tired of it, so he decided to just show up at her door instead of continuing to text her. He just wanted to talk to her, and if she wanted her space than he'd give it to her.

"Listen if this is not my pizza then- oh. Hi." Karina swung the door open, wearing nothing but her underwear, a bra, and a large flannel over it. She looked down at her naked legs and her cheeks heated up. "I thought you were room service so I didn't think it'd matter, oh my god." She opened the door wider, letting him walk inside as she ran back into the room she shared with Luciana.

"Babe, you'd rather show your legs to some random dude than to me?" Michael joked, closing the door behind him and walking around the lounge.

Karina was alone tonight. The girls went out to a fancy restaurant and since Karina hated seafood and was picky about everything, she stayed behind.

"Babe." She whispered to herself, running around the room looking for a pair of leggings. The nickname made her heart flutter.

Michael walked into the room, leaning against the door frame and staring at her ass as she bent over to look under the bed. He bit his lip and turned away, it wasn't time for his inner teenage boy to say hello. "So, thanks for the view." He chuckled, trying to prevent himself from going red.

Karina stood up and sighed. "Okay, just forget the pants, what are you here for?" She asked, placing her hands on her hips. Her right hand didn't have the bandages anymore and her cheek was light purple, making Michael grimace. He approached her slowly, taking her free hand and examining it. He knuckles were purple as well, but he could tell it didn't hurt as much.

"I want to know why you're ignoring me." Michael simply said, kissing each of her knuckles. He brought her closer, placing her free hand on his chest. Both his hands snaked around her waist, holding her in place.

Karina looked down at their bodies touching, a sigh escaping her lips. She gently rested her head against his chest, snuggling into him. "I'm sorry." She whispered. "I had things to take care of."

Michael hummed, pressing soft, continuous kisses on her head. He didn't want her to blow up again and mess up her hands even further, so he was being extra gentle on her. All she needed was hugs and someone to listen. "Is everything okay?" He rested his chin on her head, occasionally rubbing her back.

Karina sighed again, stepping away from Michael. "Not yet." She frowned.

"Well that's okay. You don't have to have everything figured out all at once, take your time. Just stop ignoring me, I love you." Michael admitted, watching Karina smile. "Yeah, I love you too." She said, hugging him again.

Michael hoped she couldn't hear how fast his heart was beating, because he really just admitted that he loved her.

Karina just figured it was friendly, so she loosely said she loved him as well. She didn't know he was actually in love with her.

Michael lifted her up, making her shriek. He spun her around in circles before dropping her down on the bed, then crawling over her. "I just want you to know that you're beautiful, and strong, and amazing." He laughed, watching her smile grow wider.

"You're cheesy." Karina chuckled, palming his cheeks with her free hand to get him to make funny faces. He playfully bit one of her fingers, giving it a little kiss right after Karina gasped. "God, this is gross." She laughed loudly, wrapping her legs around his waist. She might not love him in the way he loves her, but she can't deny there's something there.

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