11. The Kiss

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It was month three and many things have started changing. Karina was outside with Calum, leaning against a wall and trying not to breathe in the smoke from his cigarette. She hated smoke, it made her head hurt.

So she stared ahead, watching Luke walk around with some brunette. No one knew her name yet, they all figured she was a groupie.

She also stared at Ashton and Nina. Hand in hand, giggling, smiling. She knew she'd lost him already as she swallowed the lump in her throat.

And to her left, just past Calum's relaxed figure, Michael hid behind a golf cart, hugging none other than Camila Cabello. They were holding each other very close, Camila's head resting on his shoulder. She locked eyes with Karina, sending her a smirk.
"You can still baby me." Calum muttered, taking a drag from his cigarette.

Karina gave him a confused look. "Huh?"

"You know you babied us."

"I never babied y'all." Karina said, furrowing her eyebrows.

Calum shrugged. "I don't mean it in a bad way, Kari. You were gentle and loving and sweet to all of us," he cleared up, blowing smoke in the opposite direction so it wouldn't go near his friend. "now that everyone's all loved up, I feel like you've lost all your children." He chuckled, dropping the cigarette on the floor and stepping on it with his black boots. He opened his arms, welcoming Karina into a warm hug. He smelled disgusting, but when Karina needed a hug, she needed a hug.

She loved all the boys truly and she always gave them large amounts of love, because even though she swore she was the Tin Man, her heart was of gold.

"You're kind, you're loving, you're smart, you're caring, you're special, and Ashton doesn't deserve you." Calum whispered, pressing a kiss to her head.

Karina pulled away, shocked that he would say that. "Cal, he's your best friend, you're not supposed to say that."

Calum shook his head. "He's dumb as hell, Karina. I know I'm not supposed to say this, but he was actually going to propose to you."

Karina took a step back, almost tripping on her feet. "What?" She gasped. How could he just announce that so casually?

"And then he's the first one to move on. It makes me think-"

"That I really meant nothing to him?" Karina cut him off, ready to rage. It was all confusing right now.

Calum nodded. "I don't want you to be upset every time you see Ashton. Instead, I want you to be angry." He chuckled.

It didn't make sense to Karina. Calum was supposed to be on Ashton's side, what was he doing?

"You're supposed to be on his side. Does bro code mean anything to you?" Karina asked, sounding absolutely ridiculous.

Calum laughed. "I know what's right and what's not, Kari. And I know that Ashton acting like your relationship wasn't a big deal, is wrong."

Karina shook her head. "Maybe it's a coping mechanism, Cal. I mean, he loved me, right?" Her chest tightened, looking to her right to find Ashton pressing a kiss to Nina's cheek. She quickly turned away, tilting her head up to look at Calum. "Right?" She asked, her eyes filling with tears.

Calum shrugged. "I don't mean to get into your head, you know I love you, but maybe he didn't love you like he thought he did. Maybe that's why it's easier for him to move on."

Karina breathed in a shaky breath. "But I gave him everything on a silver platter..." She whispered, sniffling.

"I know, babe." Calum mumbled. "But you know, things happen for a reason, and maybe now that you know this, you can start getting over him. I really don't like seeing you upset when he's already found another source of happiness."

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