3. The Game Plan

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Ashton, Karina, and Nina were back in the meeting room the next day. They had a packet of papers in front of each of them and they were scanning through them, scoffing at everything that was written.

Kashton stayed up late last night. They were doing the usual boyfriend/girlfriend stuff, except ten times clingier. They were absolutely devastated by all of this and they hoped the contract at least let them stay as friends.

"You'll start the beginning of the break up tomorrow. Karina will storm out of the hotel, luggage in hand and without the girls, to make it seem as if you've been in a fight." Rosa began, walking around the meeting room and reading off her clipboard. "You guys will not make public contact for a month. Nina comes in as a friend on the third week. More details on that, when we get there."

Karina's attitude was over the roof today. Not only was she a spicy Mexican, but she was tired and angry. So it wasn't a surprise to Will when she kept glaring at him and rolling her eyes, her signature bítch face even more intimidating.

"The beginning of month two, Karina comes back as a friend also." Ashton and Karina sighed in relief. They would still be in contact with each other, they would find a way to be okay. "That'll stir up more talk, it'll make everything seem suspicious and we'll have people in the media paying attention, trying to crack your case."

Karina and Ashton still had their hands intertwined under the table. They hadn't stopped touching each other since they left yesterday's meeting. "Beginning month three, Ashton and Nina take a stroll around town, holding hands." Karina glared up at Rosa, squeezing Ashton's hand. "Puta." She growled at the manager, rolling her eyes. Rosa, even though she had a Spanish name, didn't understand what she said, so it was brushed off. Ashton knew what the word meant and couldn't hide the smirk on his lips. He was definitely going to miss being spoken to in Spanish.

"Once we get to month three, we'll call for another meeting and explain the next three months. Follow with the first three first. We'll keep in contact with you everyday, giving you tips and missions to succeed. Play your cards right, kids. We could all use a little more green." Rosa chuckled, packing up her stuff and walking out of the room. Will followed after, shooting Karina an apologetic grimace. "You can tell your families and the band about this stunt. But nobody else, got it?" Will said, closing the door.

Ashton, Karina, and Nina stayed behind, looking at the contract they hadn't even signed themselves. Nina turned to face the couple. "I know I didn't properly introduce myself, but hi, I'm Nina Paisley." Nina stretched out a hand, offering Ashton a handshake. He shook her hand with a sigh. Nina then offered Karina her hand, but Karina refused to shake it.

"Listen Nina," Karina started, gathering her stuff and standing up. "i'm sure you're nice and shít, but after this whole publicity thing is over, what Ashton and I had won't exist anymore. It won't be your fault, or my fault, or his fault maybe, but I still won't like you. No matter what. I have to watch you hold hands with and kiss my ex-boyfriend whom I'll still love, so I think I have a valid reason to not give two shíts about you." Karina gave Nina a soft smile, then walked out of the room as she did yesterday.

Ashton turned to Nina with a sigh. "I'm sorry, but I can't argue with that. She has a valid point."

Nina just nodded her head, feeling annoyed with Karina by the way she acted.

Ashton knew this would be hard for Karina and he knew she would have an immediate hatred towards Nina. When Karina met Ashton, he was the one who broke down her walls. He was the one who assured her that all her insecurities were her perfections, he made Karina love herself all over again.

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