9. The End/The Beginning

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Dakota, Michael, and Karina strolled around the mall, various bags already in their hands. They eventually met up with Karina in the hotel lobby. Dakota was suspicious that Ashton did something to her, because why would she just leave to the lobby? But she didn't say anything. She was surprised she didn't eavesdrop, she was too busy helping Michael pick an outfit.

Michael didn't question why Karina was in the lobby either. He knew it had something to do with Ashton though, because lately, that's all Karina cried about. He made a mental note to bring it up later, maybe when the night was ending so he didn't ruin all the fun they were about to have. Besides, Karina was still feeling happy, he didn't want to ever mess that up and be the reason her smile disappeared.

"Are you guys not hungry?" Michael asked for the fifth time, slumping his shoulders.

Dakota huffed. "Mikey, that's the fifth time you've asked. We just had frozen yogurt."

"That was two hours ago. I'm all shopped out, can we just go eat?" He whined.

Karina shook her head. "Chinese, Subway, Pizza, Chicken, we have options Mike, pick one." She said, fixing the many bags she was carrying. They had shopped hard, but it made Karina look like she went overboard since she was carrying Michael's bags as well. She had four bags in each hand, four Michael's and four hers. Michael was being a whiny baby so after Karina flicked him upside the head, she took his bags from him to shut him up.

Michael sighed. "Chinese."

"Are you still obsessed with Panda Express?" Karina asked in faux shock. "That was so 2013 Michael, get over that weird obsession." She teased.

"It was my first time in the US and i was picky, okay? Besides, i could use a fortune right now." He pouted.

Dakota rolled her eyes. "Aw, is the pouty baby having problems?" She laughed, smirking to herself. Michael flipped her off and opened the doors of the mall. He let the girls exit first, then walked beside Karina.

"It's just- what's her face," Michael said, snapping his fingers. "freaking Camila." He slapped himself upside the head for forgetting her name.

Karina furrowed her eyebrows. "Camila? Cabello? From Fifth Harmony?" She asked, grabbing the keys of the Jeep out of her purse and unlocking the car. This time, Michael ran towards shotgun, leaving both of the girls behind.

He climbed in and buckled up before Dakota could try and snatch him out of the seat. Dakota stomped her foot but got in the backseat, snatching the AUX chord and refusing to let Michael play his music.

Karina threw their bags next to Dakota and she started the car.

"Anyway, Camila Cabello? You're still hung up on her too? You're hung up on 2013 as a whole, aren't ya?" She scoffed. "I don't like her." Karina stated, backing out of the parking space.

Michael sighed. "I know, but she's hot and witty and-"

"And a bitch, and a diva, and she's stuck up, and-"

"She's still hot!" Michael shouted over Karina, crossing his arms. Karina had bumped into Camila Cabello one time at the VMAs and it didn't go so well. Karina apologized and went on about how much she loved Fifth Harmony, only to have Camila scoff and turn away from her then walk into a large crowd to try and disappear. After that, Camila always glared at Karina whenever they saw each other. Sometimes Camila even shaded her on twitter or instagram, while Karina just sat back and let herself feel attacked.

Michael knew Camila wasn't very fond of Karina, and he knew exactly why while Karina didn't. Reflect won an award over Fifth Harmony and Camila wasn't too happy about it. Camila texts Michael asking about why he still hangs out with Karina, but obviously Michael defends Karina and tells her to leave that subject alone.

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