21. The Dinner Plans

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A/N: in this chapter, I'll introduce more of the Reflect girls' Hispanic roots. remember all of them are Hispanic except for Dakota (Jennifer is only half Hispanic, white dad, hispanic mom). Dakota is mixed, white dad, black mom, light skinned complexion bc it happens. I just figured we needed some diversity in fanfics :) Also, you guys know Hey Violet, Nia, Miranda, Rena, and Casey. i put a lot of Rena in here so i'm going to include the rest of the band. anyway if you read this, vote and comment along.


5sos, Reflect, and Hey Violet were all at John Feldmann's house, accompanied by his family, Nina and Danielle. They've been there the entire day, sitting around the dining room table and joking around. They went over for breakfast, then spoke about their new music, and were now just talking naturally.

"So, I think i'm hungry again." Nia said, chuckling and stretching her arms. "Anyone up for In-N-Out?" She asked, looking around the table.

"Who isn't up for In-N-Out?" Rena asked, already beginning to stand up.

"Us." Dakota scoffed, pointing to her and the girls. "You guys are so up In-N-Out's ass, their fries are literal cardboard!"

"You take that back right now!" Rena playfully shouted. "Their fries beat McDonald's!"

Karina gasped, standing up. "You did not just say that." She said, ignoring the fact that it was the first words she'd spoken to her in weeks. She froze for a second, then shamefully looked around and slowly sat back down.

"Here, why don't we have a home cooked meal?" John suggested, getting up from his seat. "We haven't fired up the grill in a while?"

"What do white people eat at cookouts? Is it like, grilled burgers and hot dogs?" Luciana asked, looking at Jennifer. Jennifer scoffed. Her father was white and her family usually followed her fathers culture. Unlike Dakota, who's mother was black and followed her culture, since her father left them at a young age. "You say that like it's a bad thing."

"Well I didn't mean it to be." Luciana chuckled, patting her friends thigh.

"You don't want grilled burgers and hot dogs?" John chuckled, walking into the kitchen. The group at the table shrugged at each other. He came back, a teasing smile on his face. "Here's an idea, why don't you cook us something Mexican? Since you're taking the piss out of my burgers and hot dogs?" He said, pointing at Luciana. The table oo'ed and Luciana shook her head.

"The real cook is Karina. She'll cook you something. Right Kari?" Luciana said, nudging Karina in the ribs. Karina just shrugged, confused on whether she wanted burgers and hot dogs, or a home cooked meal like her mom would make if she was at home.

"You always boasted about how you could cook, just do it." Calum said, crossing his arms. It was true though, Karina could cook decently. Except whatever she cooked was learned from her mother, who only cooked Mexican dishes.

"Do it, do it!" Casey chanted from the other side of the table. "We could go for some Mexican right now."

"If it tastes like shit I won't have a problem spitting it out, just saying." Nina said, rolling her eyes. Ashton removed his hand from her leg and frowned. Sure Nina was kind of his new girl, but he couldn't stop caring about Karina.

"Remind me to spill salsa all over her plate." Karina said, rolling her eyes right back at her and turning to look at John. "If we can use your kitchen, then sure."

John nodded his head. "It's all yours, Kari."

"Cool. So, what are we making exactly?" Karina chuckled, getting up from her seat.

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