Chapter 1- Knight Takes Queen

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I used the tweezers to pull out the shard of glass in my foot swearing like a trucker with road rage as I bandaged my foot up whining to myself, "Craaaaap I'm gonna be so late to my interview!" I slid on my sneakers knowing heels definitely were not an option now and ran out the door catching a glimpse of myself in the mirror. I had naturally red, auburny hair, that I had trimmed before I left Starling City where I had gone to live with my mother to attend high school and then college. Now 25 and living in my own aprtment off my last paycheck from the crappy resturaunt I quit from, I either get a job or I had to go crawling back to my mom and it's kinda lame if a grown 25 year old woman is still living with her mom and three cats. The mascera, foundation and eyeliner looked profestional and neat, my hair had the front clipped back and I was wearing a black Rolling Stones tee shirt with my black leather jacket, darkwash jeggings that looked like actual jeans and my flea market, 20 dollar, black, Converse, hightop, sneakers. I slung my brown, leather, messanger, bag over my shoulder taking it off the door and grabbed my folder with my resume as I ran down the stairs regretting it being my foot still hurts and I live on the 18th floor. WHEEE!!

I hailed a taxi and made it to the CCPD only 5 minutes late and asked the woman at the front desk, "Hi, I'm here for an interview in the forensic science department." "Up those stairs dear, he's running late too so if you get up quick enough I'll never tell," she said with a knowing smile. "Thank you," I said breathlessly and took the stairs two at a time walking into someone who came from a side entrance. My folder flew to the ground and my papers went everywhere. "I am so sorry," I apologized rambling not even listening to myself as I grabbed the papers. I looked up to see the guy I bumped into was chuckling. Cute guy alert. "Hey don't worry about it. I take it you're here for the job interview," he asked handing me my folder. "Thank you and yeah," I said a bit embaressed. "I'm Barry Allen I'll be holding your interview sorry they never told me your name," Barry said. EW NOT CUTE!

My jaw dropped as he said his name and I looked at his face. Blue eyes and brown hair that stuck up in front tall and kinda lanky but he seemed faily lean. "Barry," I asked in suprise, "It's me Lilly. Lilly Wilson!" "Lillith Olivia Wilson? What," he asked as we walked in. "You look so different," I said practically in awe. "Ugh so do you brace face," he said. "Shut up whimp," I joked. "I see you still ramble," he said. "I see you're still late," I countered as he closed the door and I handed him my file. "So were you," he defended. "I'm always on time except for today because I stepped on glass," I stated. "Are you okay," he asked. "Yeah I pulled it out and bandaged it up," I explained.

Barry and I were close friends in elementary and middle school. We were in the same advanced classes and both hated the other people in our classes so we always talked and then he introduced me to his friend Iris who I know he had a crush on, but he refused to admit it. Despite how fun Iris was I always connected better with Barry because we had the same nerdy sense of humor.

Pulling me away from my flashbacks Barry asked, "How was Starling?" "Honestly, it sucked I had to take selfdefense classes just to be safe walking home and to school," I stated rolling my eyes a bit. "I heard Starling was nice," Barry said. "Not the Glades," I said. The Glades was the run down side of Starling City. The ghettos if you will. It was all my mom could afford and so I toughened up a bit. It wasn't terrible just not sugar coated.

"I'm sorry," Barry said looking at me a bit concerned. Somethings never change. I quickly changed the subject not wanting a pity party and said, "Enough about me how's Central been I heard something about an explosion in STAR labs," I questioned. "Oh, well my life was basically the same and then the new Particle accelerator exploded and I was struck by lightning; comatose for nine months until Wells and his workers Cisco and Caitlin saved me," Barry said smiling. "Holy crap, A- you're lucky to be alive and B- you were saved by your freakin' idol dude that's awesome," I said. He chuckled a bit making the corners of his eyes crinkle.

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