Chapter 9- Tachiyons

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There was a yellow streak and it zoomed of. Barry started to get up and I grabbed his wrist. "Not yet he's egging you on. You are not ready to fight him not yet," I said. He just looked at me with a defeated face. "Listen to me when the time comes you will be ready," I said. "Sure," Barry said sarcastically. "You can run faster than the speed of sound, you ran on water, on the side of a building Barry you can do anything you set you mind to the only thing holding you back is your own self doubt and I am here to help with," I said. "How can you be so sure," he asked. "Because I know you like the back of my hand," I said. My phone started going off and I excused myself picking it up. "Hello," I asked. "Hi this is Ms. Ishta's secretary do not try to contact Ms. Ishta ever again delete this number it's going out of service regardless," the woman said hanging up. I stopped and just stared at my phone. Looks like Cam didn't even have the decency to tell me she was disowning me. I turned the phone off as Barry asked, "Are you okay?" "I'm fine. I need to go back to my apartment. I'll see you around Barry," I said and hugged him. I walked taking the bus and got to my apartment building. I stopped at the front desk leaning on it as the mean lady looked up from her book. "Henry has been out for several days and being as I became rather fond of that sweet little old man I wante to make sure he's okay so would happen to know why he's been mia," I asked. "Henry's in the hospital he just passed away a few hours ago I have to take his shift. He had a heart attack," She said. I stopped and nodded walking upstairs. I went straight to my room changing into a sports bra and leggings. I went straight to the punching bag. I grunted and stifled screams as I punched and kicked my pain turning to anger that turned energy being transferred to movement. I held my fist in place on the punching bag resting my forehead against it as my eyes watered.

"Lil," I heard at the door as it shut. I huffed blinking the tears back and said, "In the back." I grabbed a bamboo staff being I didn't recognize the voice. In walked Barry and I made it look like I was putting the bamboo stick away. "Hi," I said. "Are you okay," he asked. "I'm fine Barry. Go home and celebrate with your family," I said and walked back to the pull ups bar cleaning it. "Then I can't leave without you," he said. "And why's that," I asked looking at him as I finished clenaing the bar. "Because you are my family," he said taking a step closer. "I don't have a family, Barry," I said, "My father is dead. My mother is dead. Our extended family disowned us because of mom's fuking projects she won't ever tell me about and my own sister disowned me and didn't have the decency to do is herself. Ontop of that the reason I even applied for my job at the precinct and stayed in this apartment is dead the last person I had close to some sort of family is dead thanks to a heart attack," I explained with a bitter scoff. "I'm so sorry," was all Barry said before he pulled me into a hug. I stood stiffly for a few seconds before I let out a breath I had been holding in and hugged back.

After I showered I changed into my Starling hoodie, black and white acid wash ish legging from Delihas. WHICH IS NOW CLOSED! I laced up my converse and Barry picked me up running me over to his place at Joe's. "Where did you run off to," Iris asked suspiciously. "I went home to change out of that damn dress, but I forgot my bag here," I said. "I caught her about halfway and I'm trying to convince her to just stay," Barry explained. "Yeah come on don't be a party pooper. We know you're fun," Cisco said. It struck a nerve and I took a sharp breath plastering a smile on my face as I said, "I guess an hour or two couldn't hurt." "Yes," Iris shouted excitedly. I walked with them in my mind remembering why it struck a nerve.

Growing up I was always the stick in the mud. I was parent like and no fun. Cameron was always the fun popular one and I was the outcast. I was never as good as Cameron. Everyone loved her and I was just Lilly the kid who wasn't as good as her big sister. No matter what I do I'm never good enough or funny enough that's why most of my friends left me. They found someone more interesting than lame ass loser Lilly the science freak.

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